A love letter from lockdown - Happy Valentine's Day
Jane Slack-Smith
??Thought leader Finalist ??Propertychat.ai Founder ?? Total Life Abundance Coaching ??Finance/Property Commentator ?? Mortgage Broker ? Author ? Renoqueen ????AI Awards Finalist ヅ Podcaster ??? Advisory Board Member
Let's face it love letters are so old school, but we all deserve them, so this is mine to you, celebrating this day dedicated to love.
Yesterday I was reading an article by Prof Scott Galloway from NYU Stern Business School called The Algebra of Wealth.
He believes there is 4 things you need for Wealth - or to get rich.
Focus, Stoicism, Time and Diversity = Wealth
Although the article covers a lot about money (obviously) his thoughts on Focus I found particularly interesting. Specifically the importance of those you love and those who love you
"Focus on your relationships.
Family and friends are essential to long term happiness, and the most important relationship is your spouse.
The most impactful economic decision you make will be who you decide to partner with or, more specifically, who you decide to have kids with. Married people grow their net worth 77 percent more than single people.
Marry the right person, and then invest in that relationship every day. You’ve wagered 50 percent-plus of your net worth, and value in the marketplace, on that partnership.
Don’t keep score, and bring forgiveness, generosity, and engagement.
In sum, show up."
So on this special day go give those you love a hug and tell them you love them.
Who knows, it might not just make your relationship richer and also your bank account
Speaking of love, I had an incredible visit to my parents last week. I thought I had a small window to make a quick trip to see them, (I thought the Aust Open would cause an outbreak not a hotel but... I had a feeling).
It has been over a year since I last hugged them and with them in NSW and me in Victoria it has been difficult. I am so grateful for not only having them in my life but also being able to finally squeeze them.
If the last 12 months has taught us anything it has taught us to appreciate what we have and be grateful.
Although everyone reading this hasn't a partner or parents they can hug on this day of love, it doesn't mean you can't acknowledge yourself and write yourself a little love note or do something, an indulgence just for you. One of the things we need to do for ourselves is practice self love.
As I was finishing up a call on Friday with one of my mentoring students, where we were finalising his auction plan and top bid for the auction in Melbourne on Sat (now postponed till next week) my phone started binging with messages:
- night photography course - cancelled Saturday
- Valentine's Day breakfast booking - cancelled Sunday
- yoga ropes - cancelled Monday
- Find Your Five lunch date - cancelled Tuesday
- eyelash tint - cancelled Tuesday
- Pilates - cancelled Wednesday
After I got over the shock of all these announcements and realised I wasn't about to experience a Greenland incident (check out the movie it is worth it), I sat back and realised how many things I have introduced into my life in the last year that are just for me, my gift to my self.
So regardless if you have someone to give you a gift today remember the best presents you can get are gifts from your self that nourish your spirit.
Speaking of love notes, I love love love getting emails and notes from my you and although I don't always share them today indulge me with these little love notes I got this week.
My goal is to be of service and assist everyday Australian's to secure their financial goals so they can live the life they desire without constraints. However it is difficult sometimes to remember that when I get into the day to day slog of work, IT issues, bank delays etc etc it is nice to sit back and get reminded what it is all for.
I have to be honest after finally moving back to the office on Monday (after 10 months of paying rent on an office I wasn't using) I was happy - now it seems I am working from home again so getting these little messages make me remember why I show up every day.
"If it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t have purchased this particular property or know how to sell it.
What you have done through the 11 or so years that I’ve known you, has literally changed my and my family’s life and I just wanted to pause and say a “super big thank you Jane”. GC
"I love your story!
You write so well! #gripping
Jane, I’m up to part 9 of your book and it’s hands down the most informative book on property investing (and mindset) I’ve read."
I have to be honest I am better with numbers than words, but it is nice to hear that I am achieving my goals through different mediums.
Actually I would rather talk then write.
As I mentioned last email I have been really enjoying the new social media App Clubhouse. It is audio only (no need to get dressed up, do the makeup or even get out of bed) - iPhone only (for now).
It is invite only but I would love for you to join the conversation and for us to connect and I have found a way. Just sign up here www.yourpropertysuccess.club and as I get invites I will invite you to join.
I am regularly hosting a 'room' on "How to Make your first million in property and not lose it".
I have many well know property experts sharing the 'stage' with me so signup on the link, download the App and wait for an invite - or if you have one follow me @janeslacksmith and let's start chatting!!
Seriously there a conversations on everything, favourite books, science, aliens, business pitches, starting businesses, they even ran a Bachelor live and yesterday Randi Zuckerburg (yep the one with the famous brother) shared how tough she finds it 'mumming' and juggling work. She is home schooling 3 kids and moved back in with her folks for help last year.
Finally I hope this day that is dedicated to love is one where you can practice a bit of self love and remember the riches in life are not all about money.
As always here is to Your Property Success.
PS: If you want too start talking with me, here are some ways I can support you:
* Applications for my 12 month mentoring program are open for a handful of people. I only work with 10 people at a time (so you get my full attention) - click here to learn more
* If you are thinking of buying your first (or next) investment property then jump on a Discovery call with my mortgage team... actually this week you will be talking to me (whilst the team catch-up with all the property purchases made in the last few weeks).... so we will get to chat!
* If you would like to be part of my Borrow My Brain Series, you can apply here
* And you can still pick up a free copy of my book, just cover the postage and handling and we have just added a deal for International Buyers too! Thanks to our Kiwi and US friends who prompted this
* Oh don't forget I have just updated the First Home Buyers Guide to Grants and Concessions to include the State budget incentives. Check it out here
...see I told you I like connecting and talking! I've got so many ways we can connect.
Wondering why Pepe le Pew and Penelope? Inside joke with my husband - and over 22 years later we still share a giggle over this couple.