Love In Leadership

Love In Leadership

We will all have the chance to lead.

Father, mother, friend, mentor, professor, student (and many more titles.) The title doesn't matter. When we help others around us learn and develop and grow, that makes us leaders.

None of us learn at the same pace. Show compassion and love when leading others.

Faith Every Day

Having confidence in ourselves and our abilities goes along way toward understanding we are leaders. As we develop and learn and grow personally and professionally, our faith in what we know, grows. A baseball pitcher's coach was likely a pitcher themselves. A pilot today learned how to fly from another pilot through flight school (we certainly hope).

Along your journey of learning and developing and growing as a person, look for opportunities to teach others. Having faith in the growth process creates a powerful runway as we liftoff from student to teacher.

Joy Every Hour

Think about the last time you were in the company of two people. One the teacher, one the student. Any representation of those two people and the subject matter around what they were teaching and learning works. As you listened, and you saw the student have that "Aha!" moment, did you catch a smile from one? Or both?

How about in yourself? Did you notice that feeling of joy?

Love Every Minute

Not all of us are "Natural Born Leaders." (Is that even a thing?)

No matter what the assessments say, we all have natural strengths and weaknesses (instead let's call them areas where we can learn and develop and grow.) Pause for a minute when you notice the next time you were able to lead. At times, it can happen in situations unconsciously until you become aware of them consciously.

I don't believe in coincidences. I do believe that what we know is already there when others around us need it.

Love those moments, and begin to look for other opportunities to share your what you know with more people.

Hope In Each Second

It was a long weekend for me. Some of you also had a long weekend. The stress around the circumstances challenged me to have faith in a certain outcome, and my hope for that certain outcome increased my faith and helped me move away from stress and anxiety.

If you find yourself facing obstacles today or this week that are, or perceive will cause you anxiety and stress, remember that hope can be the difference in moving you from fear to faith.

Until tomorrow,

Choose Hope -


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