Love in the Kitchen.
I would like to talk from my heart, the kitchen and living life in a positive electrical charge. My life has always been surrounded with those I love and the kitchen is a great way for me to express that wholesome genuine gift of…I love you, so made you something special today. Over the years I have also learned that I can tell myself the same thing. Whenever I create, good healthy food am saying to myself, “I love you and want you to be healthy Jill”
In fact, most everyone has enjoyed special foods in the last few days that made them remember a mom or grandma and her special home cooked dainties, that we all cherished. Our family is no different. Food brings people together and a thankful spirit usually falls upon the happy eaters.
I was raised eating fresh fruit and veggies from our garden and I associate my mom with wholesome foods as much as the jelly rolls and Boston cream pies. She and dad always were drying, canning, growing, and butchering what the farm gave us. It is only natural that I have done the same and passed this on to my children and grandchildren.
My boys were as efficient at making bread as my daughter and her cinnamon rolls that we lovingly called Anna-mon rolls. The boys were so small they stood on chairs to reach the stove. We had a gas stove, they all could light and cook on from right off. Ranch kids are raised different and learn all the ropes early. They were handed 22’s, bow and arrows, matches, given young horses and trucks because we wanted them to learn and survive. ?
One of the important parts of their growing up was learning wild plants in the seasons that the creator new when we needed to eat them. There is a reason for spring greens and the first of the spring greens are always wild plants. These young plants gently clean the sluggish sleepy bodies that are waking up from the winter cycle. Like bears on spring grass our body needs wild greens like Indian lettuce, cleavers, and chick weed.
This spring I hope to show some of my favorites that fill our bowls. It is always exciting to get free, nutrient dense wild foods that voluntarily grow. What a marvelous provisional earth we live on.
But with the cold weather the question is, what should be eaten during the low light? My discussion has nothing to do with animal product at all. The need a good source of clean protein and it can be found in both plants and animals. What I want to discuss is the gut biome, bio photons, natural sunscreen, beta carotene and the health of our winter cycle.
Everything is cyclical, a time cycle of repetitive movement. I believe the design of a pattern is to notice how a repeat of anything creates a visual observation connect for memory recognitions. With the colder weather of fall all living including trees start to slow down to store energy. Light is the way all communication in the living world communicates. The cells of our bodies communicate by flashes of light to one another and this is how our body preforms all functions of life.
Sunlight is the amazing source of this communication system. Plants who store the light allow us to receive bio photons for this process.
Winter root crops are designed for long term storage to get us thru the dark days and receive the nutrients for cellular communication. These root veggies are packed with fiber that makes our gut biome happy and healthy.
Winter time is the time of year to start over and get ready for the spring rush of sun and nutrients. By increasing root veggies during winter in soups and stews the body will store beta carotene that will act as a natural sunscreen as well.
All of this brings me around to where I started to tell you about one of my passions involving love and the kitchen.
I take care of my parents who are 82 and 83 and soon to be adding a new year to that tally. It is very important to me to care for them, the way they have always loved us. I take their diet very seriously and try to make sure they always enjoy the meal. I even visually try to keep the meals beautiful while getting optimum health benefits as well without any sacrifice of enjoyment.
As soon as fall arrives, I begin to juice veggies and fruit. I go thru 25 lb’s of carrots and multiple heads of green and red cabbages plus bags of lemons every week. In addition, I cook all the other breakfast, dinner, and supper they should also want. They always have pie and fun treats available to them.
For extra health I like to make special daily drinks. I mix us beautiful wine glasses full of these juicy cocktails then I add some kombucha. The ending result is a nutrient dense, lovingly created, colorful, sunlit, delight that is sparkling, bubbly, and delicious.
I create cookies, muffins and breads from the pulp, coleslaw, soup, stews, and tons of other fiber filled yummy things for my parents and myself to jump start our spring.
By spring I am always ready for the sunshine and the protection the beta carotene gives. My digestion is happy and ready for spring, my mind is firing quickly on the frequency of the vibrant colors that I have soaked my resting body with. Any extra double extracted pulp that I throw out to a thriving worm bed that is also ready for spring gardening.
When spring arrives, I welcome the sun and my bare feet on the soil. I garden happily in shorts and tank top never burning because the sun is not harming my skin. The earth grounds the body and takes the positive electrical charges off that cause sickness. It is a cycle that started in winter parts of my body…in the darkness of the gut biome. ?
With spring my juicer happily shifts into juicing spring greens and water melons. Mom and dad eat the sweet meat and join me in drinking the rind juiced with kombucha. This is a powerful drink of Nitric Oxide and in its season a needed medicine. ????
I study the seasons looking for patterns in nature that give advice. I try to make the food beautiful to increase the desire for what is good and healthy. I love the whole process and best part is I am also saying “love you” thru cooking to all those I care about. ???