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Are you in Love with Love  ?  LOVE - Like Ocean of Vast Eternity…… no depth, no shape, no quantum ,no quality… Keep it simple. Keep it effortless. Let it just happen. Don’t try to fall in love or you will be trapped rather let love trap you.

The moment love becomes a relationship, it becomes a bondage because there are expectations and there are demands and there are frustrations and an efforts from both sides to dominate. It becomes a struggle for power. Question arises then, as to what is true love. 

Know that what you are feeling is normal.

When falling in love, your hormones go wild and may cause you to feel all sorts of things that seem abnormal. You might feel delirious with joy, anxious, stressed, or even a bit obsessed with your new love.

Just keep in mind that the feelings you are having are normal and they will become more tolerable with time.

Being in a relationship where you're both in can't-go-one-hour-without-communication, finish-each-other's-sentences-and-leftovers, want-to-get-married-and-have-babies love is fantastic.

Getting to that point, though, is a bumpy ride, my friend. If you've been there, you know the road to relationship heaven can be paved with anxiety, insecurity, and just general love sickness. We're guessing you can relate to at least a few of these emotional stages of falling in love—because life is not a romantic comedy.

Express your feelings.

To deal with the flood of new emotions that come with falling in love, you might find it useful to find an outlet to express the way that you feel.

Consider talking to a trusted friend about your response to the new love or write about your feelings in a journal.

Journaling has the added benefit of reducing stress and helping you deal with problems, so it may help you work through your feelings

The emotion of love is the opposite of the emotion of hatred. While hatred is an emotion that motivates us to avoid pain, love is an emotion that motivates us to seek happiness or rewards.

Our mind triggers the emotion of love in order to motivate us to move closer to people or things that have the potential to make us happy.

The only way we can gain rewards from a potential source of rewards is by engaging with it.

Why do you think someone says, 'I want to be with you' to a person they love?

Can't you just love someone without 'being' with them?

No that would be weird because it defeats the very purpose of this emotion called love.

Flirt a little.

Flirting can show someone that you are interested in them and it can also be a good way to propel a relationship forward. Make sure that you keep flirting with your new love even if you two are in a relationship.

Simple things like a touch on the arm, a wink, or a cute comment can count as flirting. Some other flirtatious moves you might try include:

  • Eye gazing. A lingering gaze can let someone know that you are interested and it may also increase their affection for you.
  • Facing the person you like. Facing and mirroring the position of someone else’s body can show them you are interested.
  • Smile. Smiling will let someone know you are interested, but to all else it might just seem like you are being friendly.

As we progress through our lives, we form an unconscious list of traits that we want our ideal partner to have.

Most people aren't aware of this list because it gets formed on an unconscious level but those who've raised their level of awareness are usually quite aware of it. When we come across a person who has the most (if not all) of these traits, we fall in love with that person.

For instance, Dev has the following items in his unconscious list of traits that he’s looking for in an ideal partner:

1.    She must be beautiful

2.    She needs to be slim

3.    She should be kind

4.    She should be intelligent

5.    She shouldn't be over – sensitive

6.    She shouldn't be possessive

If he meets a woman who is beautiful, slim, kind and intelligent then there’s a huge possibility that he’ll fall in love with her.

This was a simple case to make you understand the mechanics of love but, in reality, there can be many more criteria in our minds and it's likely that a lot of people can meet them. Hence, soul mates don't exist.

They resemble someone you loved in the past

Actually, the reason given above is the biggest reason why we fall in love with someone. The fact that that we tend to fall in love with those whom we loved in the past is the consequence of a weird way in which our subconscious mind works.

Our subconscious thinks that similar-looking people are the same, even if the similarity is little. This means that if your grandfather wore a black hat then any old person wearing a black hat might not only remind you of your grandfather but your subconscious might actually 'think' that he's your grandfather.

This is the reason why people usually fall in love with those who resemble their previous crushes. This resemblance may be anything ranging from their facial features to the way they dress, talk or walk.

Since the person we loved in the past had most of the qualities that we were looking for in an ideal partner (otherwise we wouldn't have fallen in love with them in the first place), we unconsciously think that the person whom we're in love with now must also have those qualities (because we think they're both the same).

Play it cool.

If you are not yet in a relationship with the person you love, try not to let on that you are interested in anything more than friendship at first.

Treat the person like a friend and don’t flirt too much when you are first getting to know each other. If you come on too strong in the beginning, the person may feel pressured and avoid being around you.

What do you think …………….. ?

The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice .All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensue discussion or debate.

Thank you …Don't confuse a really good friendship with falling in love. Sometimes a good friendship will lead to falling in love, but if you tell your male or female friend that you love them, it could really complicate your relationship! 

Remember the pain love causes and I try my best to ignore the idea. You can't-- the oxytocin, dopamin and serotoninin in your brain simply won't allow it.

Too bad. Love hurts, but it also heals. 


