Love and Grow
Domenico Rizzo
Senior Backend Developer | PHP, Go, Rust, Typescript | Node, Laravel | Spiritual, Social and Psychological Writer
Periods, phases. They seem replying themselves but not. Some, at a infinitesimal part, changes ever.
Nothing is always the same but to us it appears to be a circle.
Every recurring event carries with itself the print of the time that flows. When you're young you don't note it but when you get older it is impossible not noting this heavy burden we carry: our age.
But if you use your time with care, the age that flows can be more than a burden. It can be a occasion to grow.
Yes, because we grow only by our actions and experiences that follow each other in the passing of the time. So, no time, no grow.
And if you grow instead of merely wasting your time, you can become the better version of yourself. That is, acquiring the real skill to love. To love your relatives, your partner, you neighbors and friends.
Because love is only a word for whom doesn't grow. But for growing people love become a reality and every day gets better.