Love first
SportsFaith Play of the day from the Ultimate Playbook!
John 13:35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
How are we supposed to be an example that leads people to God if we have hate in our lives? When we say we are a 'Christian', but turn around and show hate, we look very hypocritical. If we start with love... hate loses it's grip on our lives and we start to look different than the world, and that isn't a bad thing. Does that mean that we all have to agree about everything? No. If we don't agree does that mean that we are filled with hate? Not if we lead with love and truly have love in our hearts. My wife loves the color pink... I don't so much. I love her... I am not a hater, just don't like the color pink. We can disagree in this world and still have love. The world doesn't need any help with hate. Love first and have a blessed day!