??? Chengeer Lee
Non-Duality Coach ?? Helping high-performing leaders achieve unshakable clarity, dissolve mental noise, and operate with unstoppable confidence.
Why I celebrate the COVID-19 pandemic. And why you should too.
Undoubtedly, these are tough times.
I want to express my gratitude and deepest respect to all those who stand at the front lines and work days and nights to protect us.
From the bottom of my heart,
Thank you.
If you are reading this, I pray for you and the safety of your family.
Although my heart shares the sorrow of those who lost family members and friends, one deep corner of my mind is filled with joy.
Today I am celebrating the pandemic.
I see the pandemic as an opportunity.
An opportunity for humanity to wake up.
We needed this quake experience.
We needed someone to press a RESET button on a planetary level — unplug us from our constant and often mechanical thoughtless “doing”, and force us to gain a mastery of inaction.
We needed an event that would push us into seclusion in which we would rethink what we are but more importantly spend time in deep meditation about what we are not.
Take a moment to think about all the things about us that simply don’t matter.
Black, white, yellow, or brown — your skin color does not matter.
If you cut us we bleed red. If we are disconnected from our loved ones, we feel blue.
The pandemic showed us that there is only one color we are all painted in. And that color is — Human.
It doesn’t matter what you believe in.
Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hinduists, Atheists, we put aside our differences and focus on something that we knew has always been true about us but was deprived of our attention —in the face of a real threat of extinction we stand equal, and as equals we stand together.
Your faith or the absence of such doesn’t matter. Your actions do.
It is how you behave yourself in times of crisis that shows your true face.
Fighting for others or fighting with others. Giving or greed. That is what speaks for the real you.
And God?
God is observing.
He is watching closely what his children will do.
Because his children finally started to understand something. They slowly awaken to a simple yet profound realization:
The only way to witness divine intervention is to manifest it with your own hands.
It is us who should make the difference.
We must become our own saviors.
Today we must choose — to give in to fear or to go with an alternative:
Choose Love.
Because Love this is who we really are.
It is the only genuine thing about our nature.
When you demolish all this burdensome useless and oftentimes self-sabotaging conditioning of the thinking mind, there is nothing left but Love.
Love is the essence of our being.
Coronavirus showed us that in the face of death there is no room for non-essential.
We do not need to clutter our lives with material stuff. Consumerism doesn’t save us from danger. In fact, being bound by the chains of materialism is precisely what aggravates the situation we find ourselves in.
We all need each other. None of us can do what we do, without helping hands. We need a human touch, sharing the food and laughter, we need meaningful conversations, we need a real exchange of warm embracing human energy. We have this need for real in-person interaction that can’t be satiated with a tasteless surrogate of online communication.
We need nature — our real home. A walk amongst the trees in the park, this is how little it takes to instill serenity in our souls. That requires no money, no effort, no preparation.
We need to remember how to be at peace when we are alone. It is crucial to come back to our center. To reconnect with what lies within every single one of us, to regain the knowledge as ancient as the Universe itself — that we are all not just the same. We are One.
And as One, today we stand.
We see incredible acts of kindness. We see people who sacrifice themselves for others. We see more giving, more compassion, more selfless service than ever before. This time is unprecedented, and that is why it is blessed.
Love > Fear.
That’s is the mission.
In the same way, as social distancing serves as a social vaccine, people who unite on a mission to eliminate fear can influence the response of humanity to the current events.
So do something today.
Say something positive. Share your love. Be the source of light you want to see in the world.
Tell others about your resolve. Tell them that you refuse to act from fear.
There might not be much that we can do. But what we can do, we will do wholeheartedly.
Join me on the mission to eliminate fear.
Choose Love.