Love is expressed in so many ways
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Well every one expresses their love in different ways like while having dinner and by giving gifts. I think giving a gift will be the best thing to express your love and to show how much do you love. So what you can give a ring, car, flowers or something special and unique. Well i have a product which is very unique to express your sentiments. And how, years after the passing of his high-school sweetheart, she still was his “strongest connection”, both literally and metaphorically. The visualization itself is mesmerizing, like a piece of art. And given the context, it is both beautiful and heartbreaking.
A day before valentine's day, we were sitting in the library listening to songs on his laptop. After a while he made an excuse to get his book and left..a few moments later the song finished and I could not hear anything. I increased the volume and "lo and behold"!! It was an audio clipping in which he had expressed his heartfelt love...The message was not from his bottom of his heart but from the core of his soul (the message began with this line) And his sweet, soothing voice expressing beautifully how he felt about me, us and our relationship was sure to bring a smile to my face. And the smile never left my face through the whole message..
Naturally the question arises "how can this be more romantic?" Pi is an infinite, non-repeating decimal — meaning that every possible number combination exists somewhere in pi. somewhere in that infinite string of digits is the name of every person you will ever love; the date, time and manner of your death; and the answers to all the great questions of the universe. somewhere in that infinite string of digits is a pixel-perfect representation of the first thing you saw on this earth; the last thing you will see before your life leaves you; and all the moments, momentous and mundane, that will occur between these two points.
All the information that has ever existed or will ever exist, the DNA of every being in the universe. Everything: all contained in the ratio of a circumference and a diameter. In short, you just told him/her that they are your universe, all expressed by a seemingly insignificant number. Cook him/her a meal. Text him/her sweet sayings at work. Dress up for him/her. Compliment them on how good he/she looks. Setup a romantic get-away for you two. Buy them flowers. Make him/her breakfast in bed. Write a poem for him saying how much you appreciate them. Give them a big hug/kiss when you see them next, Send him/her out with the boys or girls on the town. Let him/her love you.
" Jalebi" The movie is a story about Aisha(Rhea) and Dev(Varun). Aisha is a budding writer and an independent, young woman while Dev is a local guide based in Delhi. Aisha falls in love with Dev and proposes him for marriage. Aisha is twenty one. They both get married but just a few months into their marriage, Aisha realises she is pregnant with Dev’s child. While Dev is elated to know this, Aisha feels unsure and hesitant about keeping the child as she feels she is too young for all this. Finally they settle into happiness and decide to name their future child, Disha (an amalgamation of the names Dev and Aisha).
Unfortunately, Aisha suffers a miscarriage and Dev's mother blames Aisha for this. Aisha feels insulted and feels like she doesn't love Dev anymore. She leaves his house and refuses to return back when once Dev with his mother and sister visits her in Mumbai. She also asks Dev to meet her at a common place if he truly loves her. Seven years later, she calls off her second marriage cause she is still in love with Dev. She decides to travel to Delhi and face her problems.
As luck would have it, her seat falls exactly opposite to Dev's current wife, Anu and their daughter, Pulti (whose formal name is Disha). Dev joins them in between the journey as it's his wife's birthday. The whole journey is one painful and awkward melange of Aisha reminiscing her marriage and past with Dev and feeling a farrago of anger, jealousy and pain in remembering her times with Dev. When the journey completes, Dev deboards the train with his current family while Aisha keeps on sobbing in the train alone. However, Dev realises he needs to get back to Aisha. He runs towards Aisha and finds her sitting in the dark compartment of the train.
They both cry and talk to each other and hug each other. Dev says that years ago when Aisha had asked him to meet her at a common place to find out if he truly loved her, he had come there. He had seen her standing alone near a river and felt she was complete in herself and didn't need his presence in her life. And that's why he started the divorce proceedings. Aisha's thirst to know if Dev ever loved her in the first place finally gets quenched. They both wish each other best of luck and part ways on a happy note. Year later, Dev spots Aisha's second book titled “Jalebi” in a bookstore signifying their twisted love story like a twisted Jalebi. Cheers!