For the Love of Country Pick Up Your Sword and Vote
Thank you, America, for allowing me to be a son.??No matter what we experience it does not get any better than this on our planet.??I cannot express enough gratitude, reverence and humble pride for how I feel about this great land and our diverse beautiful populace. ?Admittedly there are moments we all utter:?“Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.”?Lest we forget there are also times where each of us are in similar states of foolishness undeserving of forgiveness yet God is good.?
America is a marvelous work in progress not immune from sins of growing.??I credit our love of ?God, Family and Country as being central to our stability and perpetuity.??Yes, we have detractors among us that feel freedom to destroy what our founding fathers built is an inherent right.??Begrudgingly I must agree.? Above all we must let true freedom ring and bad ideas like evil must run its course in our free society.???Remember, ?God through his grace granted us freedom to accept or reject his love.??
People of faith and wisdom trust in God and fear not, knowing he is in control. ??Daily we fight the good fight always working and praying for a better good.??To those having questions or living in fear—"evil will only prosper for a season and good will prevail.”??All of course must do their part and pick up the ?sword of patriotism.??
We have a pivotal election next month and a political reset is necessary to restore balance and protect individual freedoms.???This wonderous work in progress called the United States of America has a long way to go, grow and prosper.??Let us be wise and look hard at the fruits provided by Democrat leadership now in control.??A partisan bond of anti-American sentiment, division, labelling of American citizens as deplorable enemies of the state not to mention each and every bad leadership decision--must be removed.?
I do believe there are principalities and powers in high places that thrive on lies, deception and putting us all into bondage. ??I also believe when our freedom is compromised, we are in bondage.???Our great country is under attack on our borders, our economy is being manipulated far away from freedom, our young (mind and body) are being taken by the state and our constitution is no longer considered valid.??
We are in a war with ideologs embracing an elitist WOKE mindset having no faith in God professing to worship mother earth yet fight for the absolute right to murder innocent life while fervently starving our needed use of fossil fuels. ??An authoritarian mindset is invading our land of liberty with great speed.??Collateral damage and irreparable harm abound and where it appears mindless and unintentional to some--those of us having faith understand the design and purpose. ??Chaos, calamities and complicit leaders have purpose in stripping away our freedomes to gain ultimate control. ??
Regardless of your political affiliation we are all in this together and without Freedom, a healthy economy, a strong military, law and order coupled with secure borders our diversity of thought and pursuit of happiness are lost.??Vote this party of bondage OUT and pray for balance and wise leadership that will unite our great experiment lest we will perish in history like so many before us.??It is ok to disagree as that is what Freedom is all about—just be mindful that when individual freedom is replaced by group freedom and the State—We All Lose.???????
Forensic Anthropologist
4Site Strategy Finance & Leadership
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