Love, connection and coexistence.
Song of Solomon 1.15-17 (GOD′S WORD version, "GW")
[Groom] 15 Look at you! You are beautiful, my true love! Look at you! You are so beautiful! Your eyes are like doves!
[Bride] 16 Look at you! You are handsome, my beloved, so pleasing to me! The leaf-scattered ground will be our couch. 17 The cedars will be the walls of our house. The cypress trees will be our rafters.
True love delights with the eyes of the soul when it looks at its loved one, a love that is not able to observe defects or external beauty, is not allowed to glimpse by simple physical charms but that with sanity and sincerity is protected under the pure and unconditional show of love and simplicity of a heart whose intrinsic characteristics are passion, attraction and the firm decision to be faithful to the sublime show of affections of the loved one. God is so perfect that he created love with the supernatural power to restore lives, heal diseases and even raise the dead, only by the action of love. Loving is a miracle that God placed in our hearts that only the brave are able to open the heart and share with the world the most precious jewel we have: "Love".
The exchange of words of love and the exaltation of virtues between the beloved man and the beloved woman guides them to their encounter by taking refuge in an environment so natural and colorful that there is no place for differences or disagreements. The home must be an environment of agreements and peace where listening is more valuable than arguing, but the discussion is preferable to silence and pain and contempt. The best agreement in the face of disagreements is the Lord's prayer and direction in the light of his word.
Our Lord Jesus Christ reminds us of his love and dedication for us every day since we open our eyes showing us the miracle of a new day until we close them to rest, He tells us that we are "the Girl of his eyes" and will not rest until he meets us our mission. The place where we can meet our Beloved God will always be full of his essence of love and purity, it is also the place where we can rest confidently in Him.
MY PRAYER: My Lord and God, I thank you for your immense love for me and my family, thank you for your care and your words of affirmation to my heart, I understand that without you I have no value because you are the source of my life. I pray, in the name of Jesus, that you continue to work within me and direct my heart to be the husband according to your word that my beloved needs, help me to follow your example of self-denial and dedication for me to reflect it on my wife; My heart, marriage and family are in your hands, in the name of Jesus, amen.