LOVE Can NOT Be Possessed!
Paula Andrea Pyle, MA Ed.
Chief Administrator at MODE of Cosmic Therapy School of Energy Research
There is something so incredibly spectacular going on between you and the other all the time! So spectacular IN fact, you may miss it, altogether. You may even mistake it for something that has nothing whatsoever to do with you or the other. Your eyes may be SO fixed on the 'human body of flesh' you do not recognize the inconceivable sacred spirit operating between the two of you! You may actually believe-with all of your heart, soul, mind, body and strength- that the relationship you share is based on something you or the other does, says, feels or says. But, this is NOT the case, at all. The experience of adoration, commitment, love exchanged in the relationship, involvement, bond or connection is generated, ignited, maintained, and held in place by a divine energy which acts as an indescribable glue that can NOT and will NOT be broken, regardless of whether the person remains in the human body or not. This kind of ineffable LOVE can NOT be possessed-increased or decreased- or captured, merely "encountered" in each and every precious moment of the visible and invisible world. So be it. IT is so!