Love can Be Part of Your Leadership Style and Business Culture
Angela Sedran
??? The Business Race Engineer ?? Turn Your Leadership Team into an Execution Machine—so the business runs at full speed (without you in the driver’s seat) ?? Scaling Without Chaos, Micromanagement, or Missed Targets
I was in India negotiating the early stages of a deal between India’s largest property developer and an Australian cinema group.?
?The last city I visited was Mumbai.?
?I always add a day or two before or after any overseas trip so I can explore a little and learn about the culture.
?My colleague preferred to get in and out asap so I found myself alone in the city for a few days.
?The Hollywood of Mumbai (best place to stay if you're negotiating about cinema development I guess) is called Juhu Beach and my hotel, like all 5 star Indian hotels was built like a security compound.?
?So, although it bordered on the beach, it did not have beach access.?
?All access was from the main gate at the front and all vehicles entering had to be stopped and searched underneath with mirrors for bombs.?
Indians don’t sit on the beach and fry like eggs all day like we westerners do.?They just appear to go for walks - sometimes in groups.
I thought a walk on the beach might be a nice thing to do.?There are very few ways to get in touch with nature in Indian cities, nor are they very conducive to long walks.
So, I left the compound and walked around the block to get to my beach.
Guess what happened when a Westerner with long blonde hair suddenly appeared?
Pretty much the same thing I imagine as if a giraffe or unicorn had shown up because it seems just about as rare.?
It felt like I was the most exciting thing that had happened on that beach in a while, and I was quickly surrounded by huge a crowd with a few people touching my hair.?
Three little perfectly round Gujarati women appeared and starting jabbering, possibly at me, and stamping my hands with mehndi, or henna patterns, and trying to sell me the stamps for what sound like 1,000 rupees.
Suddenly another little woman appeared, argued with them, grabbed me by the hand and told me to go with her.
“Those men said these women are trying to cheat you, so you’re coming with me!” She said sternly.
Who was I to argue?
She took me to her neat little whitewashed home around the corner and settled me down in her family room, telling me that I was not allowed to leave for at least half an hour as the little round women would be lying in wait outside and we basically had to wait them out, a bit of a siege situation as it were.?
Then she summoned her husband and told him to entertain me whilst she made tea…
I forget what we I chatted about.
But I do remember that, about halfway through the conversation, he looked at me very earnestly and with genuine surprise, and told me that I wasn’t “actually that bad looking for a foreigner”.
This little couple were clearly Catholics as they had a statue of the Virgin Mary in their living room, so, to thank them, I gave her the rosary I carried with me.?
As if she hadn’t done enough, she then disappeared and reappeared with a gift for me.
She helped me so selflessly that day and I will always be grateful.
We live in a pretty jaded world these days and we often question it when someone offers us something or does something for us, because there must be a catch, right??
And I often get the impression that people are very suspicious when I communicate with them via DM on social media…
What do you want?
You’re a coach so you must be trying to sell me something.
Yes, I am a business coach and I do run a business.?
Which means I look for clients.
But one of my business’s values is love – a love in everything we do, from delivering our work to simply interacting with our team, our suppliers and anyone we connect with.
My goal is to help a million women achieve financial freedom by whatever way I can by 2030.
Yes, that includes paid clients, but it also includes $30k of fully paid scholarships that come with 1:1 coaching, supporting girl’s education and doing something as simple as saying to someone online who look like they might need some help, “hey, would you like a copy of my free (insert name of whatever is it) that can help you solve this.”
So, if you ever get a message like that from me, please know that I am merely there to help you like that little lady helped me on that beach.?
I farm, I don't hunt.
Some flowers will grow, and some won't, but that's perfectly ok because my business's values mean that we never operate, internally or externally, with a hidden agenda.
Wow amazing