Love can make you lose weight
Most people make weight-loss promises but never seem to follow through.?Maybe it's due to a lack of motivation.?Well, there is one thing that can help you get more excited about weight loss as a means of self-improvement.?Love is that thing.
One of the many reasons why some people gain weight in the first place as a result of excessive eating and lack of exercise could be because of extreme loneliness and the need to compensate for it.?They'd remark or think to themselves in self-pity that no one wants me anyway, therefore it shouldn't matter what I look like, so let me enjoy something at least!
Although this reaction is understandable, it is not the best way to handle the situation.?Why not make the effort to find that special someone who will push you to be a better person instead of succumbing to unhealthy binges to compensate for being alone?
It is a well-known reality that people judge others first and foremost on their appearance.?Most people will be turned off if you don't appear to be attractive or if you appear to be bothered about your appearance in any way.
Rather of giving up on yourself, it is a far better and healthier notion to make oneself presentable and desirable in case that special someone appears.
Furthermore, by putting forth the effort to become healthier and fitter, you are automatically laying the groundwork for enhanced self-confidence, happiness, and a positive view on life.
Now, honestly, finding that individual with whom we can discuss our sentiments might be difficult at times;?but, there are still many possibilities available, and it's reasonable to argue that the energy spent bingeing and gaining weight could be better spent on such pursuits.
Places of church, online possibilities (the Myspace site appears to be particularly popular for meeting people), employment, the gym, and so on.?Friends, with all of these options, you don't have to be alone or use it as an excuse to ignore your own needs.
Even if the worst happens, how about falling in love with you?
That is a good start.?When Christ says, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself," his wisdom and subtlety come to mind.?When you love yourself (rather than being vain or overly superficial), you will naturally want to appear and be your best.?As a result, that motivation could and should be used to motivate you to lose weight if you need to.
If you're already in a relationship, this should be enough of a motivator to want to look and feel your best.?Allowing your health and appearance to spiral out of control might make you appear less appealing to your partner, despite what people say about how it's not what's on the exterior that counts.
Furthermore, do I need to point out that extra weight and a lack of fitness might hinder what could otherwise be a healthy and joyful sex life for two people in love??(Oh, and while we're on the subject, sex is a terrific exercise, so that's another way love, or at least the act of producing it, may help you lose weight.) Now, as Al Green famously remarked, "Love can make you do wrong, but it can also make you do right. "
I say it can make you lose weight!
Heres to a healthy and happier you.