"LOVE always WINS" read one poster this weekend when I attended the "Families Belong Together" push in Denver. As a marketer and entrepreneur I have shared consumer trends and insights with countless clients who want to reach a multicultural America.
Sometimes the insights are based on industry reports, client data points and rating book after rating book that all point to an America on a path to being a multicultural nation. But nothing replaces the single most important source I subscribe to--Empirical Observation.
Here's the observation that would help more companies succeed and help consumers be free from the frustration that engulfs them in a confusing political landscape: LOVE always Wins. I witnessed, Blacks, Whites, Asians and Latinos join together, I saw Republicans, Democrats, Independents unite, I observed Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus assemble together, Young and Old, Women and Men, Gay and Straight come together under the banner of the American flag to support--Reunite Families. There's still a lot of work to unite America as family.
America is more ready to be united under campaigns that speak to us individually without being siloed. That doesn't mean that there isn't difference in execution--strategic customization fixes any issues. I'm 15 generations from New Mexican heritage, since before the signing of the Declaration of Independence and 3 generations from Mexico. Grandma's indigenous linage goes back pre-Colombian times and more--that's American as American can be. It took me awhile before I learned but I did learn Mexicans are Americans as are Canadians, Central Americans, South Americans and Caribe?os.
Yet, in the marketer's mind there's something that still puts me in a silo as a target customer. From the corporate side there's something that keeps thousands of ethnic minorities from the executive corner suites or ever being considered for the path that leads to generational wealth positions within corporate America. In the picture above, I'm sporting a Colombia sportswear white shirt, Fiji water in hand and Ray Ban shades sounds American to me.
Honestly, I'm left with more questions than answers. I have my suspicions of what the barriers that face millions of Americans like me could be but in this moment I'll choose "LOVE will always WIN" for today and tomorrow. Indeed, love can overcome fear. Hey, I get it, it's hard to develop metrics that measures love. However, it would be interesting to see the reaction of the board when Hunter or Abbey delivers the latest flash report on the LOVE index. I don't see the corporate stock price rising because love and respect grew within the halls of the ivory tower. But we all know what happens when associates aren't motivated and are passionless about the job and when disrespect abounds.
Together, let's turn off the harsh rhetoric that divides and separates Americans throughout our great country and the hemisphere. Stop focusing on the differences and think more about the areas where people converge. Celebrate our similarities. REACH FOR THE HEART AND SOUL of those you serve, majority or minority, as politician, corporate leader, parent, community organizer, teacher or clergy. Let us all be part of a movement of mutual respect. I'm grateful for ALL the individuals who converged on 700 cities who put aside their biases, differences and harsh language for a day to show Love always Wins on behalf of children, mothers and fathers. AMERICA, DO WHAT YOU DO WITH LOVE and make the world we share a better place.