Louise Hampton is focused on providing quality care.
Louise Hampton

Louise Hampton is focused on providing quality care.

Louise Hampton is a Chiropractor and the Founder of Attend2Health, a private health clinic that offers a vast range of health programs under one roof. Known for her exemplary leadership skills, Louise understands the nerve of business and intelligently weaves it with the fabric of human touch. Set on a personal mission to create a difference in people’s lives, Louise is an inspiring example of what can be achieved when a person is passionate about a cause and committed to making a difference. Through her work with Attend2Health, she has changed lives of many, and her legacy will live on for years to come.

In an interview with PerceptivX, Louise wholeheartedly shares her experiences, passion, and plans for future.

Helping people achieve health naturally

Louise Hampton: “I started the business 15 years ago in Buntingford Hertfordshire.?Attend2Health offers a team-based approach to healthcare, allowing for better coordination of care and improved outcomes. Attend2Health offers a range of services, enabling patients to receive the care they need in one place. From Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Audiologist, Hypnotherapist, Sports Massage Therapists, to Chiropodist, Nutritionist, Counsellor, Pilates instructors, and Speech Therapist, we help people be the best version of themselves both physically and mentally. By having so many practitioners under one roof we make sure the patient gets the best possible service and result. Our aim is to get people out of pain and able to be active again.”

Pain leads to clarity

Louise Hampton: “I wanted to become a Chiropractor as growing up my Dad always suffered from back pain and I could see how much an osteopath helped him. I did some work experience with a local Chiropractor and was impressed by the results she was getting and how grateful all her patients were. I thought ‘that works – I want to do that!’ I studied to become a Chiropractor at the University of Glamorgan and qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree with honors in 2004.”

An idea comes to life

Louise Hampton: “After University, I started a clinic with a friend in Birmingham. The partnership worked well but after 3 years I decided to relocate to Hertfordshire and open my clinic. I found a shop in Buntingford up for rent in 2007 and it was perfect. It originally was one big room so needed to be converted into three rooms plus a reception area. To begin with, there was just me and an acupuncturist but over the years more and more practitioners have joined the clinic. I was keen to have a clinic where lots of different practitioners could work together. I am passionate about helping people and having lots of practitioners in the same place enables us to discuss cases and make sure we are doing all we can for our patients. As the clinic was starting up, I also sat on the British Chiropractic Associations council helping the profession and in 2010 I was awarded a Fellow of the British Chiropractic Association. The clinic has gone from strength to strength and in 2020 we moved into much larger premises.”

Risk, Teamwork, and Success

Louise Hampton: “Owning a business is scary as the costs are so high. The biggest risk is the energy costs and how all costs are going up so quickly. But, I’m not afraid to try new services and see if there is a demand for them. I believe by doing a good job and treating people to the best of your ability the business side can look after itself. Patients are the priority.

Having a hard-working team who wants the best for the patients is a blessing, and it’s important to be there for practitioners and receptionists as well as the patients so that everything can work as smoothly as possible. I always ask myself “Is everyone happy? And what can I do to make their lives easier?” Helping people back to health. Getting people to move better, hear better, and feel better is what makes me push harder and get better.”

Focus matters

Louise Hampton: “One of the key areas that Attend2Health focuses on is musculoskeletal pain. Pain is usually caused by a mixture of things, both physical and mental. I have seen my father suffer from severe back pain and I very well know the effect it has on your life. It hampers the quality of your personal and professional life. It equally impacts the lives of those around you.

Having Chiropractors, Osteopaths, and Physiotherapists on our team, not only enables us to address the physical pain, but also address the emotional aspect of it. As experts, we understand the effect mind has on the body and the vice-versa. Hence, addressing the emotional part of the pain is the key part of the program.

Unlocking Possibilities with a Brighter Outlook

Louise Hampton: “As a part of our development plan, we will continue to expand and provide many different services for the local community.?Attend2Healthalso plans to expand its offering to include a variety of new features. Our primary focus is on developing and introducing new ways for users to proactively manage their healthcare. This includes developing new tools for tracking and monitoring health data, as well as creating tailored experiences for users based on their health profiles.”

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