Loud Musing…
Albert Afeso Akanbi
Creative Director at Doppler Films Production LTD. @dopplerfilmz on all social media platforms.
I think most religious people, by their actions, some of them without even knowing it, really think this planet or the world, is some type of an experiment...
At least, that’s what most of the religious beliefs, no matter what religion one looks at, come down to...
God or the gods, is, or are always fixing or interfering with the affairs of men, i.e giving stone tablets to some prophets on mountains, “commanding” some believers to mutilate their children and others, in modern Nigeria that is, to denounce innocent kids as "witches", telling people what words they can say and what words they can’t, what actions they can take, or even what thoughts they can allow into their heads or not, making people feel guilty about enjoying themselves, i.e having sex or drinking beer, reasonably that is, and all that...
What is God's or the gods' business with human affair? In a cosmos where there are over a 100 trillion galaxies, countless stars(suns) and planets, a countless number of them probably teaming with an infinite number of species and extraterrestrial beings, of what importance then is all the intervention, what is the benefit of human worship to God or the gods? Does this not speak of incompetence on the part of God or the gods?
If God didn’t want Lot’s wife to look back, why didn’t he make her obedient, so she’d do what her husband told her? Why blame Pharaoh for not letting Jews leave when it was God himself who hardened his heart, or blame Judas when God himself destined him (at least someone) to betray Jesus...if he didn't want Adam and Eve to eat the fruit, why didn't he keep it in heaven? I mean, why did the invention of the mobile phone, computer, etc., have to wait for the labour of modern men when God was clothing Adam and Eve with animal skin, does it mean God did not know about technology? If God is omnipotent and omniscient, why didn’t he start the universe out in the first place so it would come out exactly the way he wanted? Why are we told he is constantly repairing and complaining, according to the holy Bible? At some point he even "regretted" that he made man, and at another, he "rested"
Are we to believe that an almighty God who created everything, both seen and unseen, couldn't think of a better way to save man other than going against his own commandment of "thou shalt not kill" by killing his own son? If Jesus died for human beings, who died for or will die for the other countless other alien lives that fill infinite space? And for those who say we are the only life in the universe, is this line of argument not as naive as saying if one empties a bag of beans in a fertile land, only one seed will germinate?
These are just a few questions that popped up in my head, it’s just me thinking out loud, and I would welcome some type of debate, clarifications that is...
Albert Afeso Akanbi|25.06.2020|32:21am