Lotus Wireless Technologies India Private Limited
"Our Eagle Connect Philosophy"

Lotus Wireless Technologies India Private Limited "Our Eagle Connect Philosophy"

Eagle fly alone and at highest altitude: They don't fly with sparrows, ravens, and other small birds.

Meaning: Stay away from narrow-minded people, those who bring you down! You are known by the company you keep so Eagles flies with Eagles. Keep good company but accept that you are always ALONE at the TOP!

Eagles have accurate vision: Irrespective of time, place & season the Eagle can spot the opportunity to feed from the highest possible altitude & angle.

Meaning: They have a VISION and remain FOCUSED irrespective of the time & type of obstruction.

Eagles do not eat the dead: They feed only on FRESH PREY

Meaning: They do not rely upon past success of themselves or others and keep looking for new frontiers to conquer. So, leave your past where it belongs i.e., in the past!

Eagles love the storm: When clouds gather, the eagles get excited & use the storm wind to lift itself higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagles use the raging storm to lift themselves above the clouds. This gives the eagles an opportunity to glide and rest its wings while all the other birds hide in tree branches and leaves.

Meaning: Face your challenges head on knowing that these will make you emerge stronger and better than you were. We all can use the storms of life to rise & shine to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid to rise to greater heights as achievers are not afraid of challenges & storms in life!

Eagle facilitate training of their young ones: Eagles remove their feathers and carried soft grass in their nests so that the young Eagles get uncomfortable in their respective comfort zone (nest) & forcefully get into a preparation of flying who eventually fly when they become uncomfortable to stay in the nest!

Meaning: One should always be prepared to leave the Comfort Zone as there is No Growth there!

When Eagles grow old: It feathers become weak and cannot take the Eagle as fast and as high as it should be. This makes the Eagle weak and eventually could prepare him for death hence he retires to a place far away in the mountains where it plucks out it's weak body feathers, breaks its beaks and claws against the mountain rocks until it is completely bare, this is a very bloody and painful process. The Eagle continues to stay in its hiding place until it grows new feathers, a new beak and a set of sharper claws and thereafter it comes out flying higher than ever before!

Meaning: When we become so called experienced, to sustain ever changing new environment & personal/ business conditions, no matter how difficult it is we need to shed off old habits, practices & traits. Things that burden us or weigh our flight down or add no value to our lives should be "let go off"

We continue to learn the ways of the EAGLE and adapt this philosophy in our work and personal life......

*Source of content & learning: Worldwide Web


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