A lot on your plate?  Eight strategies to build your courage & capacity to thrive through challenging times
The sooner you trust that you've got this, the sooner you actually will. GETTY

A lot on your plate? Eight strategies to build your courage & capacity to thrive through challenging times

The future ahead of you is uncertain and many factors lay outside your control. 

There’s little you can do about that. What you can do is to manage the fears that constrict your response to it.  

Enter courage. 

That noblest of all virtues which, to quote Aristotle, is the only one that guarantees all others. 

Of course, courage takes many forms. While it conjures up images of the daring pursuit of bold peaks, more often it’s the everyday choices we make to defy our doubts and take the braver, less comfortable action, over the easier one. 

So as you read this now, I invite you to bring to mind a current challenge and consider where you are inadvertently giving your fears and doubts the power to keep you from taking the very actions that would ultimately make you feel more secure, not less so.  

Courage is a bit like a muscle. If you haven’t worked out for a while, one trip to the gym and you’ll be hobbing for days. But if you go every day, pretty soon you’ll be reaching for heavier weights. As I wrote in my book Brave, every day we have opportunities to ‘train the brave’ and build our ‘courage muscles’ for greater challenges in life. So if you think that might benefit you, here are eight ways you can do just that.

1. Label your fears

Fear is a naturally occurring emotion, wired into your psychological DNA to protect you from threats – real or imagined. You cannot wish it away and frankly, it wouldn’t serve you if you could. Rather you need to learn how to manage your fear, lest it manage you. Start by acknowledging it. Notice where it sits in your body (a knot in your stomach, tight chest, sweaty palms, clenched jaw, grinding teeth…headaches). Studies find that by labeling and mindfully attending to your emotions for as little as 90 seconds can short circuit your stress response and activate the executive ‘thinking’ part of your brain setting you up to respond smarter.  

2. Ground yourself in ‘self-certainty’

A study at Stanford University validated ‘attitude certainty’ as a form of psychological safety net that keeps fear in check in the midst of uncertainty. So take some time to decide WHO you want to be in the midst of this time. Connect to your strengths (perhaps write down a list of the challenges you’ve overcome in the past) and get crystal clear about your ‘anchor values’ - such as compassion, integrity, faith, decency, kindness - that will guide your actions. 

Albert Camus wrote that “In the midst of winter I finally learned that within me was an invisible summer.” Connect to that place that is not buffeted by the outer conditions of your life. In the midst of life’s storms, we must look within ourselves for the certainty we cannot find elsewhere.  

3. Reel in fear-casting

The more out of control you feel, the more likely you will be to turn forecasts into fear-casts. Perhaps you’ve been doing that already - catastrophizing worst-case scenarios and getting pulled into a downward spiral of anxious What ifs?  Next time your imagination starts running amok, notice it, then consciously decide to refocus on whatever it is that you do want and what you can do. Forward leaning action is the most powerful antidote to fear.  

4. Prioritize ‘bravery-building’ rituals 

Most people leave a Tony Robbins event feeling like they can conquer the world. Only a few maintain the mindset needed to do so.

What sets the minority apart from the pack? Their daily rituals.

The same is true of those who thrive under pressure and emerge stronger from adversity.

They’re not born more resilient. Rather they do things others don’t; prioritizing practices that renew and recharge – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. While daily habits are important in ordinary times. In tough times, when so much can throw you off your A-game – it's mission-critical.  

In March my husband was hospitalized for Covid-19 (from which he’s now fully recovered and fitter than ever). There was no irony lost that it was the same week my new book You’ve Got This! was released. So I tripled down on my own advice – prioritizing those activities such as journaling, exercising, meditating, reading 'wisdom literature' – that enabled me to operate from self-certainty and bring my bravest self to the moment. It made all the difference. Turning daily habits into sacred rituals expands your bandwidth for life. For suggestions to get started, read this Forbes column.

5. Consult your future-self 

In a crisis, we instinctively focus on immediate threats to our sense of safety. But remember, however bad things seem right now, they won’t stay this way forever. If all you’re doing is focusing on how bad it is, on all those doors that have closed, you’ll be unable to see new ones opening or waiting to be opened.

Step into the shoes of you two years from now, looking back on this moment in time. What does your future-self want you to know and do right now?

Elevating your perspective unlocks creativity to see hidden opportunities, see smarter solutions, and reimagine new possibilities that are totally invisible to those dwelling only on the immediate problems. As I shared in this video below, don’t be so short term in your focus you miss opportunities to use this time to set you up for greater success in the future.

6. Reframe risk to flip fear into a tailwind

Neuroimaging studies have found that our brains are twice as sensitive to potential loss as to potential gain. Our ‘loss aversion bias’ explains why so many people tip-toe cautiously through life only to make it safely to death. On the way, they live so safely, so timidly, they miss out on life itself. So as you assess the risks of one course of action over another, ask yourself, what do you put at risk if you don’t take the risk? 

Life is inherently risky. As I wrote in Stop Playing Safe, when facing a decision, the risk of playing it safe may not be as immediate or obvious, but don’t underestimate its hidden tax on your future. Our brains can justify an excess of courage more easily than an excess of cowardice. By comparing the risks of inaction against brave action, you build psychological immunity to fear and move fear from being a headwind into a tailwind.

7. Hang out with people who lift you up, not fuel your fear

Misery loves company. So too do fear-mongers and committed cynics. Give them wide berth (or change the channel!) This isn’t about discounting legitimate threats or denying real problems. It is about surrounding yourself with people who want to channel their talents into solving them. As Mother Theresa said, 'I will never attend an anti-war rally; if you have a peace rally, invite me.' 

Surround yourself with people who embolden you to be braver with your life and become a bolder source for positive change in the world around you. There’s enough naysayers and negative Nellies already.  

8. Speak like ‘You’ve Got This!’  

“This is a total nightmare,” Sue said about the possibility of closing her business. “It’ll kill me to shut the door. I won’t cope.” Yes, Sue was in a difficult situation. But she alone was turning it into a ‘nightmare.’ 

Human beings are linguistic creatures. We 'live in language' - which is both descriptive and generative - shaping the reality in which we live. Studies of the brain find that our subconscious mind interprets what it hears literally. So whatever direction your words lead, your emotions and body will follow.

Your words shape your experience of reality… for better or worse. If your speech echoes helplessness or nurtures anxiety, then that will shape your lived experience. Conversely, if you use positive language – about yourself and your ability to overcome your challenges – then that’s what tends to show up externally. 

Are your challenges in your way or on your way? Is this a problem or an invaluable learning opportunity? You decide. Just remember, while you can’t always choose your experiences in life, you always choose your experience of life. The words you use are 100% within your control. 

I’m not sure what the future holds, but I know I’ve got this.

I also know that you do too.  

So let me ask you:

What would you do today if you decided to operate from self-trust, not self-doubt; from courage, not fear? 

Speak from that place. Live from that place. Lead from that place. 

Each time you act in the presence of fear, you dilute its power and amplify your own. 

As I shared in You’ve Got This!, the sooner that you trust that you’ve got this, the sooner you actually will.  

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Margie Warrell is a keynote speaker currently leading virtual programs to help leaders and organizations turn the uncertainty of this time into opportunities to do business better.

She released her fifth book You’ve Got This! The Life-Changing Power of Trusting Yourself in March (bulk rates available for teams)


