Lot Number 50 & 51 & 52/2023
Alejandro Orradre Fernandez
- Student Degree in History of Art | - Student Degree in Geography and History | - Writer
A necessary point of view on one of the great works of literature.
The everlasting challenge in the cultural field.
The surprise of this 2023 finale, a serious exploration of human relationships in uncertain situations and a great tribute to two great directors.
Read them at your own risk.
Artistic criteria in the face of society in constant movement under the guidelines of the mainstream.
Kafka’s mastery reaches a new dimension with the most disturbing and consistent description of the principle of determinism. The inevitable as real.
An unknown work by Botticelli, one of the best of his later phase, which malpractice almost buried forever but which the restoration rescued for our times.
Thanks for reading!
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