A property, whether movable or immovable shall never at any particular point of time remain without an owner. The property usually gets transferred either through the laws of inheritance or by the virtue of the Will. Through this article we shall emphasize and signify as to why have the term and document Will has gained so much of prominence in today’s era.

Here’s is a link to the post where you will understand the Benefits of making and Consequences of not making a Will: https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/rahul-hingmire_legal-law-civil-activity-6863734072900890624-sqqG


After the death of the person who created a will (Testator), the person in possession of the Will who is an Executor (the person who manages the distribution of property after the demise of the creator) will have to apply for Probate of the will by filling a testamentary petition before the appropriate honorable court. If there are more than one executors then only one of the executor can fill the petition and the remaining executors must file renouncing affidavit. In the other case where no executor is appointed by the creator then the Beneficiary under the Will has to apply for letter of administration before the appropriate honorable court.


The word ‘Probate’ means to prove or validate something. It is a procedure for court approval of the Will as the valid and last Will of the deceased testator. Probate in simplified terms is a certified copy of the Will which is the official proof. The executor issues it with a seal of the court that authorizes him to execute or implement it. Will Probate basically adds a legal character to the Will? Will probate is a legal process which facilitates the deceased person to distribute his estate properly amongst his heirs and designated beneficiaries. It also provides for paying off the debt owed to the creditors.

Probate can be applied for after 7 days of the death of the testator. The entire process of Probate of Will takes at least six to nine months to complete. However, if there is any objection to the public regarding the Will, then the Probate of Will process can even take up to 2 years to get completed, depending upon the seriousness of the objection.

The procedure for probating of will is divided into four simple stages:

1.?The first step involves making of application to the District Judge through a probate petition which must be duly signed and verified by or on behalf of the applicant. The probate petition should be in a prescribed format under Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 and it shall be done after 7 days of testator’s death.

2.?The second step is to send the application to the High Court, under whose jurisdiction property falls. Then a lawyer shall prepare the application, in some cases lower court can also accept the application.

One needs to submit certain documents that can verify the genuineness of the will, death certificate and other documents. These will prove that the testator had free will.

When the court receives the application, it verifies all the details. Then it invites the nearest kin of the deceased for claiming the probate. Finally, it showcases the invitation letter at prominent places for invitation of any objection. If after 30 days, the court files no objection, the issuance of the probate is complete.


The Indian Succession Act mentions that it is mandatory to apply for a Probate in Mumbai (Maharashtra), Calcutta and Madras to the beneficiary belonging to a Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh or Jain (as per Supreme Court’s Judgement). Whereas to the beneficiary from a Muslim or Christian family probation of a Will is optional. ?


The executor of a will is the person you name to carry out your wishes after you pass. When you die with a legally-valid will, a judge will approve the executor you’ve named in it to act on it. This could include paying outstanding debts with the money left from your estate, distributing your money and property to your heirs, and more.

It’s important to choose a reliable, organized person you trust to be your executor. They’ll have an important role in making sure everything goes smoothly with your estate after your death.


The person getting the benefits in terms of money and assets is the beneficiary. And, a beneficiary can be any person selected by the person making the Will. A beneficiary may be the chosen one to enjoy the fruits and benefits resulting from a Will, however, some persons have been given the right to enjoy the benefits of the same automatically.

Assigning a beneficiary is an essential part of building groundwork for the future for both the Will maker and the people associated with him. Although, it is not mandatory, not naming a beneficiary could result in assets passing through the probate process, which could simply result in complicating distribution of assets of the person after his demise. In a probate process, property is distributed as per the inheritance rights among the family members. It is therefore, advisable to have a beneficiary to make sure the benefits are divided and shared properly among the people he wants to transfer a share of the estate. After assigning the beneficiary, it is pertinent that you register your Will.

Apart from this, there is no compulsion for the beneficiary to be an individual but can be an organization, temple, church, charity, school, community group, social group, hospital or even a scholarship to any individual.


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