Lost Your Public Speaking Mojo?  Here are 3 Must-Have Speaker Techniques To Use When You're Not Feeling The Love

Lost Your Public Speaking Mojo? Here are 3 Must-Have Speaker Techniques To Use When You're Not Feeling The Love

I couldn't believe what I was hearing... and it was music to my ears.

'?? ???????? ???? ???????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ???? ?? ??????????????. ?? ???????? ???? ?????? ?????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????????????...'.?

That was one of my clients today, someone who speaks on a regular basis and needs to show up as a professional, polished, and inspiring speaker in all their communication situations.

I love it when a seasoned, professional speaker comes to me, wants to up their game, and rediscover their joy and get clear on why they became a speaker in the first place.

There is NO time like RIGHT NOW to find your 'why' and get your mojo back as a speaker.

It Can Happen To The Best of Us

Those of us who make our living speaking and performing in public can go through a slump. The spark goes out of your performance and you're just not feeling the love anymore. Or worse, you're simply on autopilot.

[ What to do if you go on autopilot! ]

Here's the question I ask all my clients:

Why did you start speaking professionally in the first place?

Remember, when you're up there on stage it's not about you. It's NEVER about you.

Your job is to connect with the audience, inspire, educate, and even entertain.

But most of all, you're there to give. You're there to be as generous as you can be with your experience, knowledge, what you've come there to say.

So sometimes you have to lean back into your technique.

Sometimes you have to buzz yourself up and pretend that this is the most important and life changing speech, presentation, or pitch you'll ever give.

Because you don't know who might be in the audience. You don't know who might need to hear your words that day and whose life it might change.

Here are three techniques that will help you show up and speak up with clarity, passion, and impact when you're not feeling the love in the moment.

#1 The Revving Up Toolbox

This is the toolbox you use when you're not feeling the love, when you're dragging a bit and your energy is low. It's your go-to toolbox when you need to rev yourself up and get your mojo on before you go on stage, step into the meeting, or start that masterclass or workshop.

First off, get energy moving through your body by revving up your physical connection, create heat and adrenaline in your body, and get oxygen flowing into your brain for clear thinking.

Next, do the quickest and most targeted warm up and wake up all your articulation muscles and breath so your speaking is clear, has credibility, and is primed for action.

Lastly, remind yourself that what you're about to do is NOT about you. It's not about what you can get from this audience, be it one person or one thousand, but what you can give. It's about giving everything you can to this audience so they can walk away with something that will help them or solve a problem for them.

With just three steps you'll get yourself in the zone, wake up your brain and body, and be ready to communicate, no matter what the situation is.

#2 The Three R's

The Three R's are great for when:

You've lost your place in what you're saying

Nerves are getting the better of you

You need to refocus and get your brain in the game

Reset: Stop. Take a moment. Re-settle yourself. Take a breath.

Refocus: Remind yourself of why you are there. Or think of what the next thing is that you can remember to say if you've lost your place. Or remind yourself that it's not about you. And take a breath.

Resume: Continue on.

#3 It's Not About You... It's About The Audience

This is one of the most powerful tools you can have in your speaker toolbox. It's saved my backside before a high-stakes speaking situation more times that I can remember!

The spotlight is intrinsically on you each time you speak, present, or communicate to one or more people. Yet taking the focus off yourself and putting it on your audience takes the pressure off you and allows you to speak from a place of generosity rather than self-centeredness.

I like to think of the word 'service' when I'm speaking or coaching. It's a powerful word because when you come from a place of service rather than self interest, you put your speaking and communicating on a much higher level. And when you raise up your purpose to the level of service, you let go of the outcome of your communication and focus on serving your message and your audience instead.

This ultimately brings you closer to the result you want from that

You have to suit up, show up, and speak up when you don't feel like it sometimes.

That's being a professional.

That's your job.

So. I get it. I REALLY get it.

And trust me, it's all there for the taking.

Give me a bell. I'm here.

See you on the inside,

A presto!

Maria xx

PS. Book your FREE discovery call here with me and become the confident, powerful, inspiring speaker you want to be.


PPS. Remember: My online course ?????? ???? ???????????? ?? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? - ?????????????? ?????????????? ??????????????+ Bonus sessions, MP3 Guided Meditations is hot and live.? Check out all the deets here: maria-tecce-s-school.teachable.com/p/how-to-become-a-public-speaking-rockstar-speaker-mastery-course

PPS.? Grab my FREE ??????????'?? ???????????????? ?????????? ??????????:? ?? ?????????????? ???? ???????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????? & ?????????? ???????? ?? ?????? https://mariatecce.lpages.co/7secretstomasterpublicspeaking/


