Hans Dholakia
52 yrs’ total work exp. and still learning! Trainer/Life Coach blending modern science and mgmt. with spirituality for holistic human development, Moti. Spkr., Yoga-Meditation Coach, Author, Poet, Translator, Engineer
HAVE YOU LOST YOUR JOB OR SUFFERED MAJOR LOSS IN BUSINESS, directly or indirectly due to the pandemic?
Read on and you will find that your mind has a new direction, new motivation and some fresh energy!
1. 'Autobiography of a Yogi' by Paramahansa Yogananda : A life-transforming spiritual classic available in about 50 languages globally, written in an unputdownable style and with inspiring real-life stories. This book has been the favorite of Steve Jobs, George Harrison, Virat Kohli and thousands of others globally. A hard copy in your chosen language can easily be bought offline or online (see www.yogananda.org and www.yssofindia.org), or you may just Google search for a free online version.
2. A friend of mine Shreya Kejriwal has a book UNSACKED, which can help those who are undergoing the stress and strain of losing their job/business due to Covid-19. Here is the link to her book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.in/s?k=unsacked&crid=1PVD8I0NIIIJA&sprefix=Unsacked%2Caps%2C308&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-a-p_1_8
3. My own article on Covid-19, about how this apparent tragedy can be a blessing in disguise if we have the right perception and attitude: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/covid-19-blessings-guidance-hidden-hans-dholakia, and dozens of other articles on the subjects of self-motivation/personal transformation: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/hansyoga/detail/recent-activity/
Cheer up! This pandemic, however distressing it may look, is not the end of the world, much less the end of one's existence through many worlds, life after life. One day soon, we shall be able to look back and laugh at it. In fact, this pandemic is a vital lesson for our minds and hearts, rather than a threat to our bodies. Fear and paranoia are making us miss the point.
Events don't make or break us, our perception does. We have an ancient saying, 'Yatha drishti, tatha srishti' - the world is as you choose to see it. Wayne Dyer puts it another way, 'If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change'....
Feel welcome to write to me; I shall be happy to help with more inspiration.
Hans Dholakia