The Lost Workforce.
Kumar Siddhartha
Helping Organizations Leverage Psychometric Assessments for Human Potential Development
In these testing times, while we are locked away in the safety of our houses. A great number of fellow citizens of humanity are battling on the front lines in this war against a foe we cannot see. Seated in our ivory towers, We resort to ask too many questions and we seem to have opinions on everything.
Are people mad to venture out at this time?
Why are the migrant workers fleeing, can’t they understand?
Why are world leaders across cultures behaving differently to this pandemic?
How is this pandemic affecting animals?
These are just a few of the plethora of questions going through your minds. While some try to dig deeper and introspect, in most cases our emotions hijack our thinking and we resort to take out our frustration based on our bias or ignorance.
I would pause here to let you reflect. If you are one of those who understand the human dynamics, probably you have an intuition about the possible causes. But even then, you cannot state your point of view in absence of concrete evidence. Why are we in this situation, do you realize that a whole lot of people who could have answers to these questions are missing or probably are in a different profession.
Under different circumstances students across the world are drawn into fields where their interest does not lie. This in many cases is due to parental or societal pressure. People think being average is a sin and one should resort to safe options. People are afraid to venture into the unknown even in this age of information. What people forget is that average coupled with proper guidance can propel one towards excellence. Hard work put in right direction and with interest would fetch more results.
This time we have due to the pandemic, we could spend with our children and understand them and their areas of interest. You never know the effort you put in today might produce the next environment expert, the next sociologist, the next virologist, the next animal behavior expert.
Know their potential, listen to their dreams... We need to bring back the lost workforce.