Lost in the Social Media Madness: Navigating Higher Ed Marketing's Ever-Changing Landscape

Lost in the Social Media Madness: Navigating Higher Ed Marketing's Ever-Changing Landscape

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn…wait, here comes TikTok…don't look now, but Threads is a new thing! Post twice a week on this platform, but three times a week on that one, and for the other one, go ahead and post more than once a day. Seriously, can we all take a moment to collectively sigh and maybe share a good laugh at the madness that is trying to keep up with social media in higher education marketing and communications? It's like riding a roller coaster blindfolded while juggling flaming batons. Navigating the ever-changing world of social media in higher education marketing can be exciting, overwhelming, and fun, but the one thing we know for sure is that it's necessary.

Let's acknowledge that social media platforms change their algorithms more often than the weather changes in Indiana (IYKYK). It's like they have this secret competition going on to see who can confuse us the most. "Oh, you got the hang of it? Here's an update! Ha!" Thanks, social media overlords, you're an absolute riot!

But in higher ed marcomm, we've got to try and keep up. So, we hit the ground running with every new update, trying to decode the mysterious ways of these algorithms. But as soon as we think we've mastered it, the cool kids have already moved on to the next big thing. "Oh, now we prioritize cute cat videos over your carefully crafted content. Deal with it!" Sigh. I'm not sure how cats relate to electrical and computer engineering, but gosh darnit, I'll figure it out!

Let's not forget the never-ending parade of trendy hashtags. From #ThrowbackThursday to #MotivationMonday to #FreakOutFriday (I made that one up), the list goes on. Also, you should definitely use hashtags, but only a few hashtags, except on this platform where you should use as many hashtags as possible, but if you use hashtags on this platform, you'll be the laughingstock of the marcomm community.

Let's remember that we also need to be authentic and relatable. Connecting with our audience and finding the right tone can be an exercise in frustration. "Should we be funny? Serious? Memes or GIFs? Maybe both?" Stop the social media merry-go-round. I want to get off!

Sometimes the best thing to do is get by with a little help from our friends - swap tips, share success stories, and offer virtual hugs when an algorithm change derails our carefully planned campaigns. We can embrace the unpredictability, learn from the challenges, and celebrate the victories – no matter how small. And when in doubt, remember that no one has it all figured out.

So, to everyone trying to navigate the social media landscape, keep your heads high, your memes fresh, and your hashtags trending. Oh, wait, here comes another social media platform…sigh.


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