Lost in Communication. Until now
Ivan Zorzetto
Managing Director ?????? Europe. Changing the world through people. Business ?????????????????????????????? from inside out. #?????????????????????
This article is about Communication. And as Communication is a mutual process, the article itself is a shared one, describing the challenges in Communication of one particular person and the OSM know-how of overcoming these challenges.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
It starts with Ani who is really sociable (93% of expansiveness in I-Profile test) and works home office. She has regular meetings with new people, both online and offline, and she thinks she gets into contact and connects with people very easily.
Case 1, Ani: I was communicating with two people last week in Facebook messenger and after several conversations online, we met in real. Their reaction was very surprising as they told me that in reality I was a very interesting person while online I sounded a bit more professional, too polite and even kind of boring. Just to mention that I use crazy emojis and funny style of typing, so I was really surprised.
Case 1, OSM advice: Digital is fast and useful but the screens are like a wall, like a barrier and it is more difficult for people (especially new ones) to feel the emotion and to understand the personality of people. Meet them in person as often as possible and use as many emojis in the online chat as possible to express emotions. Even crazy emojis have place in the business communication. Remember that written communication is not equal to the personal one and what you think of yourself is not what people think of yourself, so use any occasion to ask for and listen to their feedback about all the matters of importance to you.
Case 2, Ani: Sometimes multitasking is a skill to be proud of in our dynamic time, but sometimes it should also be put on pause. I thought Tolerance is about the situations when you have direct confrontation with another person but Tolerance is also in the little daily moments when someone is telling you a story and you interrupt him/her with your example of a similar story or in the cases when you really are listening to the person but in the same time multitasking some other stuff too.
Case 2, OSM advice: This is low Tolerance and it can result in bad Communication. Again, especially in online Communication, these things should be managed very carefully and multitasking should be avoided. The other person would feel your lack of focus even through the screen. Everyone interprets the world through his/her own mindset and experience and we have to be patient and to give our full attention to the other person. Our mind is so easily distracted nowadays that in the specialized OSM Communication training we have included many techniques to train full attention on the process. It is considered easy as subject but this is one of the most difficult trainings, to focus and to be present here and now.
Case 3, Ani: I attended some dancing classes, amazing music played. Emotions, eyes contact, body movements, trainer’s inspiration, a storm of emotions, a total devotion, I was so deeply touched on a physical and mental level. This trainer breathes dancing, she lives passionately for it. Being so inspired I played the same song at home alone. The conclusion was stunning. It was a great song but if I had listened to it for the first time by myself, it is quite possible that I would register it in my mind as a beautiful one and just move on with the daily stuff. One and the same song. Different perspective because of the trainer that engaged my attention and directed my emotions.
Case 3, OSM advice: Yes. This is the role and the mission of the dedicated trainer. To make the attendees really understand and connect with the subject, to inspire, to vision the emotion and to drive the people to success and passion. As human beings, we all know everything, the information is already within us. But often we do not see it. And in this way, we are missing a lot and/or are making mistakes. That is why the professional advice is making the difference. The friends’ support is important but not always effective because it brings the other person’s limitations and emotions. The professional training is what makes people see the situation impartially and improve it faster. Expert knowledge scales up both personal and professional growth.
These examples are so common that we do not even pay attention to them. But they could be trained and the game can change into a success story only. Do you want to know how we do it?
First of all we have to realize it that the process includes 2 people. And the role of the active listener is really a difficult one. OSM has created a very detailed procedure of 12 phases, each one consisting of theory and practice. The theory points the attention, the practice trains the brain. It is like a ladder, you have to complete every phase, every step in order to climb the ladder and complete the training. It looks easy but it is very challenging to stay focused and to really understand. It is developed for people that really want a change in their life and are ready to work for it. And at the end your potential is multiplied enormously.
What makes the OSM Communication training unique?
Several things, the deep psychology implemented into the methodology, the guided play of emotions, the moments of staying focused and quiet, the moments of practicing self-control and more. All explained in details in the Communication training manual and everything taking place under a specially designated personal supervisor. One supervisor per one participant during the whole training, validating your progress phase by phase up to the ladder top. Isn’t unique?
How to sign in for the OSM Communication training?
You have to join the Mind Business School program, in Bologna, Italy. The school program is 12 months, 2 days a month and to pass the Communication training it will take about 3 or 4 months.
You may contact me at [email protected] to give you specific information depending on your location and the responsible OSM consultant for your area.
I can assure you that this training would change your life. Our policy is that we deliver result to you in any case.
And as one participant has recently told us … “This cannot be explained. It must be experienced.”
So, let’s start with your journey!