Can Better Maintenance Protocols Help You Produce More?
Nothing quite puts our customers to sleep like the words “preventative maintenance.” And is this any surprise? We’re in a booming technological environment where we’re rewarded for doing more and producing more - faster. Maintenance is swept to the side, a slow sibling to production, better left for another day.
Writer Jenny Odell puts it best in her book How to Do Nothing, “Our very idea of productivity is premised on the idea of producing something new, whereas we do not tend to see maintenance and care as productive in the same way.” To Odell’s point, successful businesses must consider maintenance as productive.
In fact, maintenance could be the most ignored productivity tool at our disposal.
Simple maintenance schedules and protocols prevent everything from minimal waste to total plant shutdowns. Nozzle maintenance schedules can prevent even further loss.
In the video here, you’ll see nearly identical looking sprays can be deceiving. A nozzle spraying at 30% over capacity looks the same as a new nozzle, but the company using it is applying more power to supply additional pressure, which, in turn, causes the nozzle to spray more liquid. Along with spraying additional liquid, the increased effluent may cause damage to downstream equipment, thus upsetting operations. This additional spray is waste. A simple nozzle replacement program could mean hundreds to thousands of dollars saved in excess sprayed liquid and added power supply or, the prevention of millions of dollars worth of downtime and quality control issues
For our customers, we provide free wear testing to support more reliable maintenance protocols and process predictability. For customers with high-yield, large-scale applications, we offer built-in systems to detect nozzle wear faster and more reliably while in operation. With our spray systems, we help you produce. Let us also help you maintain, so you can continue to produce more with less and add value to your product and process.
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1 Odell, J. (2020). How To Do Nothing: Resisting the attention economy. Melville House.