The LOST Art of Leaving an Effective Voicemail
PrimeVOX Communications
PrimeVOX recently won the award for Most Reliable Business Phone Service Worldwide!
In today's fast-paced world, communication is more crucial than ever. With emails, text messages, and instant messaging, it's easy to overlook the power of the good old voicemail. But voicemails are still a significant part of professional communication, and leaving an effective voicemail can make a significant difference in your success. In this article, I'll share some valuable tips on how to leave a voicemail that leaves a lasting impression.
Be Prepared
Before calling and leaving a voicemail, take a moment to gather your thoughts. What is the purpose of your call? What message are you trying to convey? Being clear about your objective will help you deliver a concise and effective voicemail.
Keep It Short and Sweet
One of the golden rules of leaving voicemails is to keep them short and to the point. Most people won't appreciate a lengthy message. Aim for 30 seconds or less, focusing on the essential information you want to convey.
Introduce Yourself
Start your voicemail by introducing yourself. State your name and your company, especially if the recipient may not recognize your number. This establishes your credibility and helps the recipient understand who is calling.
Clearly State Your Purpose
Immediately after your introduction, clearly state the purpose of your call. Be specific and concise, letting the recipient know why you are calling. Are you following up on a previous conversation, leaving important information, or requesting a callback?
Leave Contact Information
Always provide your contact information in your voicemail. Make it easy for the recipient to call you back by stating your phone number and, if applicable, your email address. Repetition is key here; mention your contact details at both the beginning and end of the message. Also remember to speak slowly!
Show Respect and Professionalism
Maintain a respectful and professional tone throughout your voicemail. Avoid using slang or informal language. Your tone should be friendly, yet businesslike, leaving a positive impression.
Practice Your Delivery
If you are new to leaving professional voicemails, before you make the call, practice what you're going to say. This will help you speak confidently and avoid stumbling over your words when recording the voicemail.
Call at the Right Time
Timing matters. Try to call during business hours and avoid leaving voicemails late at night or on weekends unless you have prior knowledge that the recipient is available at those times.
Follow Up
If your voicemail does not receive a response within a reasonable timeframe, don't hesitate to follow up with a polite and concise email as many people in todays world prefer to interact via email as it can be less disruptive to a person's day.
Listen to Voicemails
Lastly, don't forget to check your own voicemail regularly. Sometimes, the tables turn, and you'll be the one receiving voicemails. Make sure you promptly respond to these messages, as it reflects your professionalism and the professionalism of the organization you work for.
Leaving an effective voicemail is a valuable skill in today's professional world. When done right, it can help you stand out and build strong connections with your colleagues, clients, or potential business partners. Remember that like any skill, it takes practice to perfect, so don't get discouraged if your first attempts aren't as smooth as you'd like them to be. With time and experience, you'll become a voicemail pro and elevate your communication game to new heights.
AUTHOR: Ryan Scheib
Vice President Sales and Marketing
PrimeVOX Communications