The Loss of a Iconic and Loving Queen
??Friday Thought??
The unfortunate events of yesterday with the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizibeth reminds all of us that life is precious, and we should all strive to make it count whilst we are on this mortal earth.
Her Majesty certainly did this and for 70 years devoted her entire life to our country and commonwealth. I had the great honour of meeting Her Majesty about 25 years ago at a ceremony at the Commonwealth Secretariat and although we only spoke for about 30 seconds it has remained one of the highlights of my life and career.
I don’t know about you, but such an event makes me think about my own life and what I have done and achieved. At the ripe old age of 16 I joined the Royal Signals and spent many years traveling the world and as a young soldier I saw the good and the bad in people. I strongly believe that this period gave me the skills and attitude that I still try to live by today, it taught me some very hard lessons about how people treat each other and instilled in me a sense of honour to duty and to people.
My early interest in technology grew rapidly as I was taught more and more from my military career, and I think this cemented my desire to work in the technology industry.
Since then, I have had a 40-year career working in the technology field from being a back-room operator right up to high level government and organisational responsibilities.
Like Her Majesty doing everything to the best of your ability is a sign of commitment, responsibility and integrity something we should all aspire to achieve.
The UK & Commonwealth now has a King, and we turn to wonder what the future will hold for the Royal Family and how King Charles will continue what Her Majesty worked so hard to achieve.
So, I leave you this sad day with the following thought:
“In our own lives we need to consider others and always treat people as you would wish to be treated yourself.”
Our deepest sympathies to the Royal Family on the loss of such an iconic and loving Queen who will be missed in so many ways.
Have a good weekend.