Losing weight - Johnny!
Katharine Bertrim - Jensen
Coach & Affiliate at Katharine's Healthy Choices
Wow great Testimony, Johnny!
What an amazing group we have here for sharing our stories. Mine begins in March 2016 when I was introduced to these wellness products from Valentus that would change my life in ways I'm still discovering. But let me back that up a bit:
I've been in the Busic Biz now for almost 30 years and I was undiagnosed with severe sleep apnea for most of that. My mother told me that even as a child I snored worse than my father. I also thought that waking up every morning exhausted was normal.
The result of my sleep study was that I stopped breathing 54 times an hour. That was about 10 years ago when I first started my CPAP therapy. I absolutely hated it and have been embarrassed to tell people about it ever since. I felt amazing after only one week on 12in24 So I decided to sleep without my CPAP. Well, I woke up after the best sleep of my life and packed up that horrible machine and it's been in the closet for over a year now.
I now wake up every morning feeling amazing and ready to start my day without it. I am not a medical professional and I am in no way suggesting anyone do what I did. I tried this because having my girlfriend go to bed with Darth Vader is NOT as cool as it sounds.
I just want to thank this group for letting me share my story here. It's become so much easier to tell now that it has a happy ending. And what makes it even happier is that I now represent these products and I'm able to help others with a lot more than just sleeping issues.
I will have a good thought that each and every one of us that is still suffering can find what works for them to enjoy a great nights sleep. By the way, now that I'm getting a hell of a lot more R.E.M. time I'm waking up remembering dreams that sustain my smile for the whole day.
Go ahead and ask me! You know you want to!