Is Losing Weight as Easy as Walking?
Jake T. Tullis
Fund Manager, Consultant, Investor, & Thought Leader - All things #web3 #sdlc
Walking may not seem like a good workout, but it is actually very beneficial for everyone. There are many benefits to those who walk either as a workout or even early in the morning as a pre-workout warm up. Here are 5 reasons why walking can help you lose weight!
Weight Management
When walking you are performing an aerobic exercise, meaning you are using more of your stored energy as fuel, such as fat. Walking is low intensity and that is why certain types of energy (fat) are more targeted than others.
Increased Brain Activity
Walking can be a good reason to wake up earlier. A study in 2011 showed that older adults walking 40 minutes a day, three times a week, reduced the normal age-related shrinkage of the brain's hippocampus, which is where the brain processes memory and emotions. There’s just something about getting out early in the morning, breathing in the fresh air and getting some simple but effective exercise. Not to mention while you are walking you have time to think about what you are going to do that day, or if you walk later at night what you have accomplished in the day.
Simple But effective
Walking is so easy to do and has so many beneficial effects. Just walking a few miles, a day can raise your good cholesterol. Experts suspect it may help prevent cancer by beneficial effects on the immune system and hormone levels, among other things. Walking also contributes to "regularity" which in turn reduces the risk of colon cancer. Not only can you lose weight by simply walking, but you don’t have to go to a gym to get the benefits of exercise.
It can be very social
I’m sure you’ve seen those people who walk every morning and everyone in the neighborhood knows them. Why not join them? If you don’t like the idea of walking around your neighborhood alone then start a group to go with you! You and all your friends can get together for some simple but effective exercise every morning. Or make new friends and start a group, who knows what could come of it? Maybe you meet someone who could help with other aspects of your life.
It’s easy as walking out your front door
You don’t need a membership. You don’t have to drive 20 minutes to get there. All you must do is step out your front door and go. You could even bring your dog if you have one. The beautiful thing about walking, besides all the benefits, is how easy it is to get started.
So, what’s stopping you from getting started? If you are a beginner or an expert, you can benefit from walking. Young or old everybody should live a long, healthy and happy life.