Losing Weight Is Not Difficult
Shantlee Campbell
Unfranchise Owner, Public Speaker, Weight-loss Consultant (TLS) Nutrametrics Consultant
Create Your Own Success
At TLS Weight Loss Solution we’re all about what works for you. Life isn’t rigid or predictable, and your weight loss solution shouldn’t be either. Our comprehensive educational program is custom-made to fit you and your unique lifestyle. Flexibility is key to TLS, which is why anyone can Live the Lifestyle.
Choose Your Change
30-Day Jump-Start
Designed for maximum weight loss, this challenge includes two phases: Phase 1, the detox cleanse — a fresh start for your body that prepares it for Phase 2, fat-burning.
TLS 12 Week Plan
Our coaches’ favorite program — this is the standard TLS package which combines most of our Menu Plans for long-term weight loss and a total lifestyle transformation. This Plan consists of 2 weeks of Fat Shredder, 6 weeks of Rapid Results and 4 weeks of Sure & Steady, with an optional Detox week.
TLS Customized Program
Created for ultimate customization — you choose your own plan. Take our FREE Weight Loss Profile for our recommendations based on your personal weight loss needs.