Losing the script
Johny, Johny, yes, papa
Eating sugar? no, papa
Telling lies?
Umm…don't know
More often than not, we lose the script. More importantly, we lose the rhyme.
We lose script all the time. In the office, at home, in a career, in a relationship. With work, with our kids, with the kid in us.
What do you do when you lose script?
We reach out to others. We remember the high school teacher who was a fan of the Beatles. He can tell you how beautiful life can be when you pick up a song – and you lose yourself. Or the young millennial in office. He can tell you what is going on in his head and what is his passion for the next 10 years. They teach you dreaming. They show us the light. And we mirror their light.
Some of us reach inside when we lose the script. We shut down the windows, the doors. Even our eyes. We get a glimpse of something inside that we haven’t noticed for a long time. We find the light inside.
In search of a new script, either we become the light or we become the mirror.
A virus, first surfaced in China in December reached the other side of the planet in four months claiming the lives of more than 28K people (1) and increasing with every passing day. Power of compounding in a flat world at an unprecedented speed. It seems like humanity has lost the script after a long time.
COVID 19 scare has also made people working remotely, meeting online and reaching each other for help and providing realtime information. Collaborating to find a cure and crowdsourcing the fight with the disease (2), (3). In other words, we are looking for the new script, the new light.
The door is never closed for the suffering of humanity. We will find a new script.
Keep well…stay safe!
--Samit Das
Originally posted in my blog: https://alphaedge-therapy.com/losing-the-script-2/