Losing the keys of the kingdom
In part 2 of our series, we discussed the origin of opposition, which talked about Lucifer - the first position of the devil, his rebellion and why he hated the Adam version so much.
After the Adam version supposedly took his place Lucifer, now the devil, devised a plan to prove to God that the man he created, the Adam version, was no better than him (the devil); which is still his aim to this day. He then began to tempt man so that he could accuse them, being his principal occupation and skill (Revelation 12:12).
He possessed the snake, being the wisest of all animals at the time and began having a conversation with Eve. The devil then proceeded to tell her the same lie he told himself. You could become like him (God). The devil in his previous form Lucifer, could never be like God, neither in God’s image nor his likeness. However, this lie should not have worked on Eve because she was already made in God’s image and was adored the opportunity to become like God (likeness). However, she still believed the lie and went on with it. This was due to her ignorance and the lack of the Holy Spirit. This is true today, if a believer does not know his/her rights and lacks the Holy Spirit, the devil and life circumstances can easily take advantage of them.
As an Adam version, you can only go as far as your eyes see. And we all know that our sight is limited. You will need the Holy Spirit if you are to see beyond your limit.
Similarly, on your own, it is very difficult to overcome the devil. If Eve could fall, being the earliest version of the none corruptible bloodline, who are you? Even Heaven saw it fit to chase him out. So who are you? The only way to defeat him is to give your life to Jesus, be filled with the Holy Spirit and expose yourself to the kind of light that will expel every darkness from your life.
Eve, without the Holy Spirit, finally gave in and ate the fruit. Not knowing that at the same time she gave her power and authority to the devil. The same happens when you sin. You lose dominion over your territory.
When Eve gave the fruit to Adam, and he ate, he too gave away his power, as well as, the keys of the kingdom to the devil. This action reduced the Adam version to the state it is today, where even animals can treble over it.
After Adam fell (willingly disobeyed God because of his love for Eve), he lost the keys of the kingdom which was the ability to call what was in heaven to manifest on the earth, which is a character of the likeness of God. This power was only given to the Adam version.