Losing The Will ...
Kelly Swingler
The Burnoutologist | Global Burnout Educator, Master Burnout Coach, Speaker and Author | Founder of the Burnout Academy
Well we’re knee-deep in January, in fact, if you squint hard enough, you might just see February on the horizon!
Those well meant resolutions may feel a lifetime ago, whether it be ‘Dry January’ (did you know 8% of people decide to stop drinking altogether after taking part in Dry January), weight loss, dusting off the bike or running shoes etc, or maybe something more cerebral or academic.
If you’re on track (and statistics state that a whopping 91% of people do not stick to their New Year Resolutions!), well done you, and PLEASE could you tell me where you get your willpower from – I need to bulk buy! I just need to slip into something elasticated to wear to the shops!
If, however, the power has long since parted company from your will, you could get back on track with the help of an App! Try these 3 for size:
Free, Android, Apple
You owe it to yourself to keep those resolutions. Set a goal (10 minutes less screen time every day, for example), and this app ‘nags’ you with motivational messages, sounds or vibration!
£4.99, Apple
Create healthy goals, going for a run, tucking into a salad, whatever you like, and tick off the ones achieved, aiming to build uninterrupted streaks. As the hours go by, the app nudges you (very politely!) to complete the tasks.
Free, Apple, Android
Make amends for excesses with this diary from Alcohol Concern. The app will allow you to keep a personalised diary – recording the amount of alcohol you drink. It will tell you the units, calories and cost, so you can see what you’ll save if you cut back on your favourite tipple. Continual use of the app throughout the year will maximise the benefits of staying dry, with personalised tips and tricks.
So, what are you waiting for! Don’t wait for me, I’ve just got to roll off the sofa and find a forgiving pair of leggings. Wonder if putting out the empty gin bottles constitutes a work-out with weights……….
The Still On Track Chrysalis Consulting Team
If you want to find out how to to set AND achieve Big Awesome Goals this year, head over to our resources page for the recording of our January webinar - and if you're not clear on the goals you are setting because you haven't reviewed your learning and opportunities from last year - this might help.
This article was originally posted on the Chrysalis Consulting Blog on January 23rd 2018.