Losing Family Again
Sunset in North Texas

Losing Family Again

We all remember after the 2016 presidential elections, the sad and tragic stories of families refusing to be with one another if they voted the “wrong way.” Arguments, disagreements, and animosity split up families and friends. To this day the people I lost to the election remain distant.

Today that election and its sour effects have been replaced by the pandemic. The government, media, and corporations have successfully divided our country into the “vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated.” I have paid close attention to every development, news story, debate, and discovery. I have done my best to take in as much information as I can and remain open-minded in my thinking. I am STILL asking questions and learning.

I have decided to not get vaccinated at this time. Instead, I deeply researched and have done everything I can to remain healthy, lose weight, take recommended vitamins, and have researched alternative treatments. I also wear a mask when inside public spaces. Still, despite my best efforts, I am not guaranteed to avoid Covid. But here is the cruel punchline: Nor are people who have been vaccinated.

In the early stages of this pandemic, they would refer to people who were vaccinated and still got Covid, “break-though cases.” The implication was that it was a rare occurrence. Up until May of 2021, the total ‘reported’ break-through cases was over 5,000 (though there are those in the medical profession who believe it to be 3 or 4 times that number). Interestingly, those who keep track of these numbers (FDA, CDC, WHO, etc.) decided to stop tracking these cases. My opinion is that someone decided that this number was going to continue to increase, and the last thing they wanted was for more people to become vaccine-hesitant. In other words, “Why get the vaccine if I can still get Covid?”

Over the course of the next several months, the term “break-through cases” began to vanish from newscasts, though cases were increasing. It was then revealed that those who were vaccinated could also transmit the virus to others. In short, getting the vaccine does not prevent infection or its transmission. Best case is it may lessen the effects of the virus on the vaccinated.

In addition to these proven facts, Dr. Fauci and those in the press decided that booster shots were now going to be part of the Covid protocol, given somewhere between 5 and 9 months after their last vaccine. And it isn’t once-and-done. Because of the obvious decrease in the efficacy in the vaccines, boosters will continue ad infinitum.

Here is something I doubt many people know. The original vaccine that people were given is the same one contained in the booster shots. People may also not know that the vaccines were designed to only target the spike protein on the virus. Even those with a simple understanding of virology know that a virus just wants to live and reproduce. Once its pathway is blocked (usually via a vaccine or natural immunity), it either dies or begins the mutation process. I had seen this phenomenon discussed at length with many scientists and doctors. This was their greatest fear. Because the vaccine was so strictly targeted, mutations arose quickly.

I also listened to a number of interviews given by Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine. By his own words, he shared his concerns with the FDA that it was not ready for public use. He cited several examples of potential issues that could arise. He was ignored. Many other well-credentialed doctors shared their experiences and knowledge of the virus and vaccines, and many were censored.

I try to understand, why would the government, corporations, and media silence discussion about such an important issue? Isn’t that what science is about? The gathering of experts, theories, and discussions to openly share and compare research, so that our understanding of natural phenomenon can be tested and the best results float to the top? Why does it not apply to Covid?

One answer is incentives. The amount of money made by the pharmaceutical industry has long been a bone of contention for many around the world. As of the early part of the fourth quarter 2021, I had heard Pfizer alone had made roughly $35B on its Covid vaccine. The real harm comes when you find out that if you suffer negative side effects from the vaccine, including death, the pharmaceutical companies are immune from damages. You cannot sue them if the vaccine causes you harm or kills you.

President Biden then began mandating the vaccine for millions of Americans. Other leaders around the world have done similar things. In short, the government can force me to be injected with an unproven vaccine, that I have no idea what’s in it (and Pfizer has the information protected for the next 55 years, along with the sciene they used and trial details). There are already many known problems with the vaccines, including death. Yet my government can force me against my will to be injected with unknown materials and unknown or unpredictable results. When did I lose my rights as an American citizen to make my own health decisions? What's next? Really think about that one. Will we one day be told we have lived long enough and it's time to end things? This can go 100 ways from Sunday and NOT ONE of them is good.

Interestingly, President Biden has excluded many government officials and their staffs from taking the vaccine. Many other groups have been exempted from the vaccines. So, if the government really wants to end this pandemic, why should anyone be excluded? Interesting.

Also, it has been a fact that natural immunity is the ultimate form of protection. People who have had Covid, and recovered, have natural immunity, superior to vaccines and lasting significantly longer. Yet, health organization “experts” do not consider natural immunity acceptable for this virus. They are rewriting the science we used successfully for well over a hundred years! It’s all because – for whatever reason – they want whatever is in that vaccine – in our bodies. I do not know how to frame that any other way.

So, why is this story called “Losing Family Again?” In my introduction, I recalled all the infighting, conflict, and hatred we showed one another after the 2016 election. Today we are doing the exact same thing with being vaccinated or unvaccinated. Those who are vaccinated look upon people like me as if I am careless, uneducated, ignorant, don’t care about others, and much, much worse. Some reckless people on social media have even called for our deaths, seeing us as some existential threat. Isn’t that ironic? If you are vaccinated, what do you have to worry about? You’re protected, right? So why the desire to see the unvaccinated eliminated or punished if we don’t comply?

This story is very personal to me. My daughter and son-in-law are going to have their first child (my first grandchild), in May 2022. The other day my daughter asked me when my son and I will be getting the vaccine. There was no “if” we were getting it, only when. I told her I was busy (and I was) with interviews the next two days and would like to discuss it with her in a calm and loving manner in the following days. Her response to me was short: “Please know then no discussion is needed. If you are not vaccinated then we will not see you. I have a duty to protect my unborn child. I’m sure you understand.” I also earlier mentioned that her Aunt had been vaccinated and had a booster, yet came down with a severe case of Covid. Her response was: “(She) is a prime example of the variation in the virus. Please do not be so ignorant to ignore science. YouTube didn’t go to medical school.”

I was half-tempted to remind her that neither did she, but I chose not to reply. My intent, as noted, was to have a discussion that was calm and loving. She would have none of it. She was right. Just like the election, one side wanted to talk, and the other side wanted to be right.

Our family is now fracturing right before my eyes. To my daughter’s thinking I either get the vaccine or don’t see my grandchild. There’s no discussion, there’s no compromising, there’s only one person making the decision. She either gets exactly what she wants – regardless of how I feel or what I know – or grandpap is penalized and not allowed to see his grandchild.

I think back over the years, when she was a young lady and ready to start making her own decisions. Never once did I step in and stop her, or even try to change her mind. I trusted her that she would use her best judgment or learn from her poor judgment. I gave her the latitude to think things through and welcomed discussion if she had questions. But I never interfered.

What do I do? Do I get the jab so I can see my grandchild, regardless of what could happen to me? The vaccination is irreversible. If I take it, I go against everything I know and fear. If I don’t, I won’t see my grandchild. Why can we not feel free to have these discussions?

great article, thank you for sharing



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