Losing BIG in 2024…. GOP –           
 You Better UP YOUR GAME !

Losing BIG in 2024…. GOP – You Better UP YOUR GAME !

Einstein admonition …..”You have to learn the Rules of the Game and Play it better than everyone else” ….is something that the loyal opposition has done so superbly that they go several steps beyond this brilliant astrophysicist’s sage advice.

Their New Century Game Plan …..

You have to create and constantly redefine the Rules of the Game and Play them to your distinct advantage.

?The Democrats to their credit have done this with nothing less than absolute brilliance.

Sorry…..I’m not talking about being a boy scout here….being honest …doing the right thing….playing fair but advancing your agenda and getting people elected.

Their strategists are head and shoulders above the worn out, cloistered, establishment “thinkers” the GOP has been using for many many decades.

The election of 2022 proved this assessment to be one hundred percent accurate.

?The pollsters that GOP Candidates paid big bucks….. had swings of inaccuracy of ten and even fifteen percent on many crucial races.

One only can imagine the debrief after such a poor showing and far more mind blowing that the same folks have been rehired to steer the ship through the choppy waters of 2024….its just crazy.

Complexity wrapped in a simple moral veneer of Progressive Truth vs Right Wing Denial Falsehood has been used so skillfully by Dems as a tool to advance their agenda.

All of the legal issues present especially with 45 are beyond the scope of most citizens education and bandwidth…..the Legacy Media renders down these complex issues of so many individual nuances into a pablum of several talking points that in unison through all their media outlets is sung off the sheet with exceptional precision…it is so well done!

Through a process of “repetitive sequencing” the talking points are worked over and over again until they become established fact….this is how the brain works!

Musk “calling the kettle black” at NPR as “State Affiliated Media” rattled their hegemony of the airwaves yet was unnecessary as the American Public are well schooled where the players line up…..or are they ???

I listen to NPR / PBS everyday and have my own filter to shift through their carefully worded missives …..NPR may not rise to the level of RT or the Xinhua but is pretty close….their failure to which I write often to both NPR/ PBS (as I am a big fan) is an absence of Obvious Balance…..which makes them really “poor intellectuals” …..as they possess this totally elitist view of their collective persona

…they think they are so much better than the Smelly Deplorable Walmart Dimwits in Fly-Over Country…..their Bi-Coastal snobbery is amusing.

I write them often….so much so that GHB sent me a list of local producers to write directly with my observations.

My constant theme makes them unsettled…..I tell them….”smart folks love to debate the merits of their perspective as they know their logic is superior to their opponents”….I further prod them on why they love to cancel everyone….. as they should have just so many tools in their toolboxes to dispatch their opponents away with ease

?…even with all these flies in the ointment they are on another level of effectiveness from the GOP Media Outlets.

What is sad for the GOP is the obvious lack of intellectual horsepower on display at FOX or Newsmax …one thing that 2022 told me….these are entertainers not journalists …their lack of savvy and sophistication is a deficit for the GOP as their leading media outlets do not convey the message well…..while there is lots of Red Meat to chew they sensationalize everything for ratings …and therefore are not creditable with most Independent Voters.

So from the top trickling down….the GOP strategic theory, management, human capital and messaging systems need a drastic shake up…..sorry to say it is vastly inferior ….at times not even congruent to the experiences of just so many citizens in critical voting demographics

2022 Election was all about how the Dobbs Decision motivated a wide swath of voters in the Democratic base….the GOP was fortunate that the decision was four plus months before the election……the Dems would have held both Congress and the Senate ?

Like everything else …the nuances of the issue has not been strategized well…..in fact state by state some extreme Pro-Life rhetoric and legislation will be effectively used to activate an even larger base for the Dems in 2024….

Their media outlets apt description of these pieces of new legislation on a state by state basis targets their base in a sophisticate manner that enlivens this most visceral issue.

I am excited for a GOP Pro-Choice candidate in NH CD1 for 2024 …..he possesses the balanced, nuanced approach that the majority of voters are looking for …he has a great opportunity ….he can win ….because he presents a rarity today….a thoughtful middle of the road perspective….this is what people are exactly looking for.

While not an election denier ….I also do have to hypothesize why it takes three plus weeks in places like California to count the votes in these elections ….many third world countries with none of the massive wealth of the Golden State count their elections in several days.

In these Blue States and Cities the irregularities are so numerous….yet through their media outlet talking points ….the have created an established consciousness in regards to this subject…

Questioning this third world processing standard and absence of transparency is reserved from folks that are enemies of Democracy.

So skillfully they have crafted a narrative here that is the essence of the Einstein Rule…..

….. “create the structure of the reality …simplify its explanation….edify its ethical function …follow the pattern of the behavior….repeat it over and over again….

Yet they go even one step further as the distracted public at best consumes only snippets of news…

.. Tweak the narrative with examples of the opposition’s outrageous attempts to counter the orthodoxy of these democratic processes.

Just like Dobbs, the visceral… intuitive adherence becomes a powerful unconscious stimulant …something attached to our basic neurotransmitter function

There is no grey here…..it’s either Good or Bad.

This is why there is such polarization in this nation.

Most people lack the time or unfortunately even the skills to read, research and shift through the facts.

One well-created image becomes the center lynchpin of their perspective.

Lots of work for the GOP to do …..that requires starting at ground zero with a clean white board and re- envisioning the entire structural basis of their efforts.

As for 45 ….whether you love him or you hate him….you have to ask the following question…

How this single individual has so threatened the Systemic Structural Power Elite in this nation that they have mobilized all their vast resources to destroy him?

…for me their actions are far more important than the pedestrian nonsense they have complied …as others in power have done far worse and never saw the inside of any courtroom.

In the final analysis….voters have lots of work to do….as a democracy requires effort by all of us.

Benjamin Franklin described us as a….”Republic if we can keep it”

My best advice for the GOP….more of the current thinking begets further failure….actual worse failure as the socio-psychological structure created by the loyal opposition is growing in its penetration as your counter narrative is so sophomoric…..you’re so out of touch

What is unfathomable to me ……despite the worse of economic times, hardship for many, deep corruption in the center of leadership, many strategic foreign policies failures and a declining environment of mental health and education those currently in power are on track to win big in 2024.

Just some thoughts to consider

…..redemption more than just an act of salvation is a tool of improvement

GOP…..your redemption is at hand



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