Losers Whine
Kevin Fream
America's Cyberist Helping Financial & Professional Services Avoid Loss, Improve Business, and Eliminate Doubt
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Oklahomans are known as Sooners. We're first to fight and help in war or crisis with more than our share of celebrities and historical figures.
In 2005, as an unknown from Oklahoma, Carrie Underwood won American Idol.
The rest as often said is history.
With a recent manufactured story, Carrie Underwood supposedly is taking backlash for accepting the invitation to sing at the inauguration - and she had the perfect response.
It was always a treat to see Dad and this time he was teaching me chess because checkers was way too easy by 7. After a couple of test runs learning the moves, we played and I lost quickly in a gambit I never saw coming.
"That's not fair!", I cried in the agony of defeat.
In one of the rare times Dad yelled, he angrily shouted "Only losers whine!"
That's when I realized an important lesson that no one was just going to let you win. The loss stung and the harsh rebuke was startling, but I also then realized how you act win or lose shows your character.
Daily Mission: Be a good sport and learn from the experience on any win or loss today.
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