Lord, I Just NEED Toilet Paper

Lord, I Just NEED Toilet Paper

This Memoir is meant to strengthen your faith, make you laugh, encourage you not to quit no matter how it feels or look, and demonstrate how God will meet your basic needs in very unique ways and or circumstances. At this time, it is only available as an ebook. Thank you! -Carrie J. Griffin


This Memoir helps us take a deeper look and gain a greater understanding of the process of walking by faith. This Memoir will be valuable to the individual facing obstacles to let them know the obstacles are not there to stop us but to be overcome. This Memoir written from the heart by my friend will cause you to cry at times and to laugh at times, but the message is real. Enjoy!-Trina K. Hazley, Wings of Victory Church

The journey: it takes faith, focus, tenacity and a heart sensitive to the voice of God to stay the journey; When God calls you to write the truth. Thank you, Carrie, for being a scribe of truth that makes relevant the journey for all to see while the dance continues.-Mary "Mama" Bean 

This Memoir presents a lot of life lessons that reveal the challenges we face when it comes to walking by faith. It was very refreshing to see the author bare her soul without the intent of hiding her emotions. This bravery displays transparency that will allow the reader to see the challenges we face in pursuing our God-given dreams. One thing is for sure, the faith to endure has been revealed in this Memoir. Throughout this Memoir, you see a continuous struggle to persevere despite hardships. This approach will allow the reader to gain confidence and not to give up on their God-given dreams. So, enjoy and be encouraged as I was and keep the Faith!-Ronald G. Hairston Sr., Kingdom Faith International Christian Center


