Today, on February 22nd, 2018 I have found out that LINKEDIN decided to reduce its footprint.
I am not speaking about the CARBON FOOTPRINT of LI operations.
I am speaking about the social footprint of its members.
How did I come to this?
Stright and Simple.
I tried to use LINKEDIN same as I did every day in last decade, means check out what impact has my posts posted on LINKEDIN.
Instead of doing the same, I have to start the search for the "chart icon".
It has disappeared and it is gone.
I am blind, No feedback, Nothing and even worse, the discussion under some of my post is gone as well.
In the decade I have seen many changes, LINKEDIN MAPS, one of the best tool to visualize LinkedIn network was abolished many years ago, leaving nothing than the black hole behind.
LINKEDIN is for me TOOL. I am not using it to find EMployer or EMPLOYEES. I am using LINKEDIN to met professionals from all around the globe to discuss topics related to life and business including my intention to build up wasteless world.
After the change today, it seems to me that from working tool remain empty shiny bubble calling into the world about billions of users but having in reality prisoners inside. Prisoners of laziness and comfort - MACHINE WILL DO IT FO ME.
I hope that this stage is just a system failure, for if this will not be the case, will the shiny bubble get rid of those who helped to blow it in the size of the universe.
The lifeless universe and this would be a pity.