LOOP: Net Zero & Beyond

LOOP: Net Zero & Beyond

Reaching the Goals of COP26

When global leaders met in Glasgow last year, their overriding aim was to continue efforts to keep global temperature rises below 2°C. The targets set at international summits often feel far removed, but the technologies used to meet them are increasingly present in our daily lives.

One example is that of electric vehicles. When the last major climate summit with far reaching commitments was held in Paris just five years ago, electric vehicle sales in the UK stood at around one per cent of all new registrations. This year, that figure is 11 per cent and growing by the day. Technology that may seem small scale today can often play a huge role in our ability to deliver on our climate ambitions.

Levidian’s LOOP could be the next ‘electric vehicle response’ to address the climate challenge.

Methane is 84x more damaging than CO2 in climate change terms, so preventing it from entering the atmosphere is an important challenge. LOOP can address this today, taking any supply of gas or waste methane and locking its carbon into high-quality graphene.

LOOP can be deployed almost anywhere, from a local gym to a large factory. This deployability helps Levidian’s customers decarbonise their operations on site. In the future, larger scale LOOP deployments will strip carbon out of significant volumes of methane, producing graphene and feeding hydrogen back into the system.

Levidian’s recent partnership with National Grid offers an insight into the way these technologies are already starting to influence plans to decarbonise our energy supplies. In order to deliver greater volumes of hydrogen, the grid needs to be prepared for its characteristics. Graphene-based corrosion-resistant coatings can be used to help make current infrastructure ready for hydrogen. National Grid will also explore using LOOP to decarbonise natural gas and return hydrogen to the network.

LOOP offers an opportunity for different companies and institutions to deliver on their decarbonisation ambitions. The benefits of installing a LOOP to rapidly decarbonise while producing clean hydrogen and graphene are clear. As capacity is scaled, LOOP could very quickly become part of the backdrop of daily life. The ease of deployment and integration make this solution an exciting concept.

At Levidian, we are committed to playing our part in addressing global climate change and the aspirations confirmed in Glasgow. Just like the electric vehicle revolution of the past decade, we believe that decarbonising the economy is attainable, and the LOOP revolution is only just beginning.



