A lookout with Narrative of Activated Measure on Soil for Sustainability

A lookout with Narrative of Activated Measure on Soil for Sustainability

In given preassessment provides insights from Sans Cartier et al. (2010), Swanson (2007), and Chong & Basu (2022) to have more information on the issue, identifying ?stakeholders, what is ongoing ?conditions , what should be the expected outcomes, synthesized founded evidence with actions for future outcome.

As per assessment on problem of the Northern Contaminated Sites shows clearly that current issue involved ?contamination of sites in Northern region of Canada, which is causing ?severe environment, health, and socioeconomic confrontation to civilians. As per Sans Cartier et al. (2010), the contamination due to exploration of oil in sites of northern area has shocking facts on the secondary environmental impacts with solutions by mean of having ?various cleanup methods. Swanson (2007) has also offered learning guide for cleaning initiatives in northern sites where hurdles were identified which are of logistical and technical. Chong & Basu (2022) had highlighted rationale of the adverse effects on Indigenous community with added challenges to the given issue. After careful review of all these studies, it was identified that problem has become ongoing hurdle which is affecting adversely in continuum including stakeholders of those region to national level policymakers.

As per study by the mean of having literature review , issue identified are mainly contaminated sites in Northern regions of ?Canadian provinces that has presented with a big environment challenge those have been impacting ecological balance in terms of health and well-being of communities living in those regions, especially which has been considered as Indigenous community. It was seemingly arised from past historical ongoing industrial activities like exploration for crude that have resulted in the pollution of land, water, and imbalanced ecosystems with hazardous materials like chemical substances and residues. ????

The scope of problem embodies factors like environmental, health, cultural aspects, and economic outlook on affected communities in ecology model. Main cause of the Problem is ?contamination in Northern parts of Canada because of ?results of past industrial operations like exploration, including mining, military confrontation, and inappropriate disposal of toxic materials where these activities have left a geography at risk that has posed certain risks to the health and environment. The residuals considered as metals parts, hydrocarbons, and other chemicals substances, which are threatening ?the integrity of ecological balance and the health of wildlife ?with human populations as well. ? ????????? Furthermore, it has also took detailed approach in finding and addressing concern of contaminated sites in Northern region of Canada with consideration like multifold impacts on adversely affected communities & their health . It has also highlighted the importance of including components together like research, engagement in community and sustainable practices in recovery efforts. Going forward, it has felt like there are clear need of regulatory and compliance measures with enhanced awareness and a commitment to ecofriendly practises that can ?prevent contamination in future which shall ensure the health and resiliency of Northern regions of Canada's ecological balance and Indigenous community. ??????????? After having a preassessment on issues , it was recognized that understanding and addressing the contamination hurdles of sites in Northern Canada involved recognition of environmental and cultural impacts of pollution, cleaning efforts and the importance of addressing causes which can ?foster a sustainable and healthy living future for all adversely affected communities. ??????????? Moreover , going forward with task of stakeholder’s findings , identified list here are Indigenous community, environmental bodies, government agencies and researchers. As per research, findings suggested that current ?organizations are tackling on this matter with collective efforts. Also, potential was identified for political agendas that have ?influence on priority of recovery practises, hence there was a need identified during assessment for a stakeholder workgroup ?and focus group that can promotes a collaborative open dialogue for ?navigating across political agenda to have aligned common goals and objectives. ??????????? In addition to that, a gap is also existed ?among the present state of contaminated sites, with deteriorated health and environment risks and future state of having completed recovery practises with safe and sustainable ecological balance in the region. As per literature reviewed on this gap study included environmental reports, health related article and Indigenous community knowledge. Here referred given literature noted a a needs for a through understanding of scientific and socio-economic measures of contaminated sites and recovery practises on.

??????????? Next, while? synthesizing facts and pattern on given issues, complexity of contamited sites has weighted need of having customized recovery solutions and strategic partnership and resources. ??????????? Concluding towards, it was also found that complexity of contaminated sites has included needs for customized recovery solutions with due importance of considered impacts on environments with role of having engaged culture with Indigenous communities and stakeholders as identified. Stakeholders’ communication has been simplified using all these findings into informed insights by emphasizing the interconnectivity of environmental impact, community health and well-being with consideration given to ?the needs of having inclusivity and adaptability.

Lastly summarizing in short by having reflection on ways of having exploration and methods were used , going forward firstly with information those were identified and explored for given issue were done using exploratory manner as asked in instructions by having brief brainstorming and piling of literature pages were scope, impact and outcome on contaminated sites were also identified in northern region of Canada that has also involved understanding of environment, health and rehabilitating of community by considering challenges and issues on local communities. ??????????? Some methods those were used to gather information on given social problem are literature review by checking on existing research paper and articles which were authored by Sans Cartier et al. (2010), Swanson (2007), and Chong & Basu (2022) and included insights on impacts ?on environmental and recovery practises, past cleaning efforts and particular impacts on local Indigenous communities in those regions. Secondly, stakeholder Identification was carried out by Identifying stakeholders those are involved in or might have been affected by the contaminated sites issue that has helped them to understand the issue at hand ?and concerns of consequences of problem. While preassessment, synthesizing key information from varied sources has taken into consideration for having information of the contamination sites issue in Northern ?region of Canada. Literature Review has also ensured in collecting evidence and findings , on the other side ?examined programs of some useful recovery practises has provided an understanding of current recovery efforts and practises. Identifying stakeholders was also considered as most important tasks for having a recognized social economical and ?cultural parameters of the problem, particularly when the unproportionate impacts on local Indigenous communities were identified. ??????????? Towards summary, by careful consideration given to methods used for having elicitated information where preassessment has offered a brief overview of the contaminated sites issue which is highlighting the immediate need for having an effective, culturally sensitized, and sustainable recovery strategies. This approach has not only drawn attention on the ongoing state of the issues but also highlighted what can be the necessary steps for addressing the root causes to mitigate adversely impacted environment challenges and affected communities.

Developed Program :

Vision: a soil with soul that should stay pollutant free.

Mission: Keeping soil forever sustainable with soul by putting recovery-oriented practise that can make soil pollutant free that can empower indigenous and culturally diverse civilians.

Goals: with goal of empowerment by mean of having indigenous and culturally diverse population in the region with ambition of putting recovery oriented solution in implement with latest technology using global benchmarking practise that can help in having sustainable and pollutant free land.


By development of having focus group in terms of council or agency which put their thoughts and research on the paper which should be accessible to innovation agencies and industrialist so that solution can be developed and possible to put in practise for achieving of sustainable and pollutant free soil in the northern region.

Abstract Ideas and Group Logic Model Components:

Input: as given in there is no funds limitation and support in terms of resources which includes ?latest technology, ?history of indigenous people and global tie-ups.

Activity:? Tech based solution development , Awareness workshops, Skill development labs, Session of focus groups for having perspective research that affect ecological balance.

Outputs: Site that will reflect soil with soul idea , sustainable sites by keeping them pollutant free.

Outcomes: restore sites with preservation of heritage, diverse culture and empowered population with proactive measure of recovery-oriented solution.

Impact: ranging from sustainability with recovered land with restored sites , healthy and empowered population.

Program Narrative

Integrated and on going recovery solution initiative (IORI) was imagined program based on part one assessment of northern sites contamination issues where prime focus was given to addressing the needs restoration of site from severe pollutant Northern region of Canada, which was adversely impacted by industrial activities those were not in accordance with government compliance. This initiative has been drawn from research findings, such as those by Sanscartier et al. (2010), which has highlighted the environmental impacts of different remediation methods. Swanson (2007), has emphasized community involvement in cleanup efforts and Chong & Basu (2022), bring to the light about contaminated issues faced by Indigenous peoples in Canada particularly in Northern Region.

Here giving importance to Northern region of Canada is strategic, considering ?its challenges like environment and remote location with cultural heritage of its local Indigenous communities. Also a vulnerability is a key factor in contribution to ?pollution and impact on Local indigenous peoples has also given thoughts provocation? to have customized approach that help in restoration of ?the local ecosystem and sites with pollutant free ambition.

Imagined Stakeholder as part of brainstorming in activities of deciding who can involve in same. The IORI can help in bringing together a diverse focused team of scientist, researchers, and Indigenous community leaders with policymakers, that can work on common goal of restoration of having a natural environment with strong community without getting affected by pollution that all should come with increased empowerment.

Program Strategy and Activities :

Firstly, as main concern is having an pollutant free land by means of putting Environmental recovery oriented practise in implement using latest technology, eco-friendly materials wherever possible and ?cleansing methods to detoxify sites for making pollutant free.

Community empowerment can also be the medium by educating ?and empowering local Indigenous communities by environmentally sustainable living practices.

Global leadership can foster international cooperation by various way which can include sharing of knowledge, resources, and strategies for combating pollution.

Development of latest technological solution with establishment of labs for researching and testing new recovery-oriented technology that can have effective impact in cold and remote landscape.

Educational programs can also open doors by having dedicated teaching communities that can guide and foster culture of practising environmental management, sustainability by putting weight on? importance of preserving rich cultural heritage.

Local Indigenous Council that can act as focus group member by providing their reflection and perspective on those they have faced on for having better inclusive outcome.

Welfare fund for health and community can be a initiative for a funding to empower local communities which can support health research and community projects by ?addressing impacts of pollution.

Collaborative event and activities can also help in engaging with international partners that can a medium of sharing ideas, technologies, and resources for strengthening collective effort that can help in tackle environment pollution.

The IORI can also approach to environmental restoration practises by having a blend of scientific innovation at forefront with traditional knowledge and community interaction. By focusing on Northern region of Canada, these initiative will not only helps in addressing immediate environmental issue but also can also help in setting up how same kinds of challenges can be possibly approached across globe. All these efforts can also helps in ensuring that the solutions may not only effective in cleansing pollutant, but these can also aid in fostering for likes of having empowered communities with preserved cultural traditions. Hence using IORI, we can ignite a future which can interlink healthy environment and community that can aid in fostering well being,? also those can guide our collective actions for a more sustainable and equitable world.

Citations references :-?????????

Sanscartier, D., Margni, M., Reimer, K., & Zeeb, B. (2010). Comparison of the secondary environmental impacts of three remediation alternatives for a diesel-contaminated site in Northern Canada.?Soil and Sediment Contamination,?19(3), 338-355.Https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15320381003695256

Swanson, S. M. (2007). A process for focusing cleanup actions at contaminated sites: lessons. Learned from remote northern sites in Canada. In?Strategies to Enhance Environmental Security in Transition 0Countries?(pp. 201-213). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.Https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-1-4020-5996-4.pdf#page=209

Chong, K., & Basu, N. (2022). Contaminated Sites and Indigenous Peoples in Canada and the United States: A Scoping Review.?Medrxiv, 2022-08.Https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.08.08.22278551.abstract

With GeoSource Energy , Sonal Kumar, PMP


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