Looking at the World through a peephole
Shabazz Rah-Khem, Ph.D.
Advocate for Transformative Change | Be a Pillar of Change (PillarsOfChange.org) | AI & Quantum Science Enthusiast | Author |
Most people know Peepholes limit what can be seen. Yet they are useful when we only need to quickly check something on the other side. Still, we must open the door fully to be able to see better, as well as be able to let someone in.
Microscopes have the power to magnify small things for base 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x. Yet, they only provide intense amplification of things within an extremely small area.
A typical piano has 88 keys. The expectation, we play melodies with full access to all the keys. How would the melody sound if we were only able to use 1 key?
The alphabet has nouns and consonants. What if we were not provided access to nouns?
The point is that we require more than limited access to aspects of insight, information, data, to broaden our perspectives, to be able to better understand situations, life, and people throughout the world. Without expanding beyond microscopic views, based on limited information and tools, and without full access whatever we attempt to produce will be limited.
What we see, what we can deduce from narrow context will produce distorted concepts, warped assumptions, broken melodies, incoherent words, hence our results completely out of step with the world around as well as people in it. We will be misunderstood, and not be able to understand others well.
We need to open our minds to more ideas, concepts, information, knowledge, and perspectives. And stop looking at the world through Peepholes of social media.
Take care.
“A Rock shaped, cut by currents thrashing, tumults of life's waves, artistic beauty a life engaged. Not sitting within gated comfort out of reach fearful of lessons to be learned, hurts to be felt and pains to be born as thy walketh within a path of thy Light”. By Shabazz Rah-Khem
Working for a better Life & World. Advance inclusive democracy for the entire human family through progressive education & change, justice, authentic belonging, constructively improving people’s lives, by equitable access to resources socially, politically, & economically.