Looking for That Which is Looking; Seeing in the Dark

The total set of Euclidean empty zero points is a real object = exists + true. However, that object exists as an immaterial mathematical abstraction. It is useful because it empowers you to visualize that which is invisible. Invisible means an object that exists does not reflect electromagnetic visible light radiation. Visualization therefore permits seeing in the dark.

Ultimately simultaneous objects occupy exactly the total set of Euclidean empty zero points, and all of those objects are immaterial-category invisible. There are at least eight elements = members in the set of ultimately simultaneous objects, including 1) the total set of Euclidean empty zero points. There are five ultimately simultaneous mediums: 2) superconsciousness, 3) meta-information matrix, 4) now, 5) enself, and 6) emptiness. There are two ultimately simultaneous domains: 7) near-existence domain and 8) actual existence domain.

Visualize that the total set of Euclidean empty zero points necessarily exists everywhere, all-at-once, which literally means there is nowhere that actually exists where Euclidean empty zero points are absent, notwithstanding there could also be many other objects (at least the other seven ultimately simultaneous objects), that also exist everywhere, all-at-once, which literally means there is nowhere that actually exists that those eight objects do not also exist. That necessarily means we are talking cosmic = universe global (not just Planet global), which means ultimately simultaneous is with reference to our whole physical universe live organism object. In other words, the eight ultimately simultaneous objects necessarily exist everywhere all-at-once, therefore occupy our whole physical universe object, which means there is nowhere in the whole physical universe those objects are absent.

I suggest that you look for that which is looking, inside yourself, but that does not seem to be specific enough, or clear enough in meaning, to empower people to find what they are looking for. Even if I add the detail information that you make consciousness an object of consciousness, people do not seem to grok that. Even knowing where to look, for instance inside yourself, does not seem to help the looker find anything. That is probably because what you are looking for is invisible, therefore you cannot find it looking with your physical eyes. You must apply the visualization faculty of ego consciousness to do the looking.

Superconsciousness is one of the eight ultimately simultaneous objects, and it is certain that superconsciousness is dark, in fact all eight ultimately simultaneous objects are dark, because they are all immaterial and therefore do not reflect electromagnetic visible light radiation, and without that reflection you do not see with your physical eyes. If you are looking for superconsciousness itself (not looking for objects that may be inside superconsciousness), I note that it is dark, which means that there are no subjects and no objects intrinsic to superconsciousness, therefore, you cannot see superconsciousness with physical eyes, because there is nothing in superconsciousness that could reflect electromagnetic visible light radiation (= no objects of consciousness), nor is there anything that could see any such reflection even if it actually occurred (= no subjects to consciousness = no personal private instances of ego-consciousness). To help you grok this, I am saying that there can be subjects and objects inside superconsciousness but only in the sense of ultimately simultaneous inside, but not inside as constituents, or parts, or mereology or topology inside. In fact, because superconsciousness exists everywhere all-at-once, that necessarily means every other object that does exist is in but not of superconsciousness (and every other ultimately simultaneous object). Ultimately simultaneous inside = everywhere all-at-once is not the same as intrinsic inside, or constituent inside, or mereology inside or topology inside.

My original meditation method begins with reminding myself that superconsciousness is dark = invisible to my physical eyes, nevertheless exists simultaneously everywhere, all-at-once. So, I place my ego conscious attention at my physical grounding center of mass of my physical body (= perineum up to navel), not at my physical brain. I then direct my conscious attention to propagate away 360° (= in every direction all-at-once) from that physical ground center, and that means my ego conscious attention literally expands to occupy everywhere all-at-once (without limit = without bound), which it can do because it is immaterial not physical, like an immaterial idea or mathematical abstraction can exist everywhere all-at-once; and it is all dark everywhere all-at-once; there is literally nothing visible for physical eyes to see. In fact, that darkness is the ultimately simultaneous object emptiness, and my expanded self is enself (= holon unity of collective ego consciousness), and enself is another of the eight ultimately simultaneous objects that exist everywhere all-at-once.

This is all abstraction, but abstraction of = about something is as real as the object being described with the abstraction; both are real = exists + true. Immaterial abstraction is not just a hallucination. This is real seeing in the dark, literally seeing darkness itself rather than what may be imagined to be hiding in that darkness. If you have ever been deep inside a cave which blocks all electromagnetic visible light radiation, you know what darkness itself looks like, and it looks like something, not nothing; it looks like what it actually is, and that is emptiness which is another of the eight ultimately simultaneous objects.

In my meditation, I repeat with inner self-talk, what I know from previous personal direct experience knowledge = knowledge through identity = enlightenment = to light within; that I AM THAT, which is true with reference to (as I have learned over the past 6 years researching physics): 1) ultimately simultaneous, 2) holographic information redundancy, 3) M?bius entangled logical levels, and 4) fractal self-similarity, all of which are immaterial abstractions with which we can epistemologically describe what we can ontologically empirically observe as direct inner I AM THAT experience.

Ultimately simultaneous literally means the eight objects exist inside each other, and that is closer than touching = identity relations, not interaction relations. Closer than physical touching, is closer than physical interaction relations (with the four natural forces), closer than physical constituent parts-to whole objects relations = mereological relations, and closer than physical location orientation relations = topological relations.

There is nothing closer than inside each other. Identity by tautology, X = X is not inside each other; it is literally actual identity, say 5 is exactly only and always 5 in every possible universe. In fact, inside each other makes it virtually (but not literally) impossible to see that the objects are not actually one object, because you cannot see invisible, nevertheless the eight ultimately simultaneous objects do remain category distinct objects, for instance superconsciousness is not the same as emptiness and now is not the same as enself, etc. It is like when two streams of electromagnetic visible light radiation merge; it is virtually, but not literally impossible, to know that there are two sources of light inside each other. If even some physical particles (in wave form, not baryonic matter mass form), can be inside each other, it would seem to be ingenious (= most surely incorrect) to deny immaterial objects could manifest that state condition.

One fundamental part of the experience of knowledge through identity = enlightenment = to light within, is the feeling certainty part, the part that feels like I AM THAT with certainty. Even though I have been there more than once, that feeling certainty fades and what remains is the rather unsatisfactory abstraction description of the actual feeling certainty experience. This entire description you are reading right now, is the rather unsatisfactory abstraction description of the actual feeling experience. When you grok it, when you get it in a flash of illumination = knowledge through identity, that is a feeling experience = the sentient experience of what it feels like to know with certainty I AM THAT. I cannot reproduce that experience with simple conscious intention. If I could do that, it would be control, and it is certain, ego consciousness cannot control superconsciousness, let alone control eternal = God. Nevertheless, I am certain that experience can be repeated, in fact over thousands of years, there are thousands of authentic reports of enlightenment by human beings with impeccable credibility, say for instance Sidhartha Gautama Buddha.

Think for a moment, about the certainty you have, that you are yourself (the certainty you actually exist); that you are a physical body, that you are an ego consciousness, that you are a mind (= physical body/brain/central nervous system organism docked to a immaterial ego consciousness), that you do know something for sure, that you do feel something, that you do feel the experience of what it is like to be a human being, that you are a sentient conscious being. By comparison, the feeling certainty I AM THAT is so far beyond your physical + ego consciousness identity of self, as to be mere candle in full sunshine.

Until you actually grok it for the first time, it is utterly impossible to imagine what I am describing as your true self, which I give the abstraction name enself = one of the eight ultimately simultaneous objects, one of the five ultimately simultaneous mediums. Even after you experience it, enlightenment remains frustratingly impossible to capture with any possible abstraction description you could create-manifest with your ego consciousness; it remains forever ineffable. Ineffable does not mean that you have failed to accomplish capturing the nature of enlightenment or enself or superconsciousness (as if that were actually possible to do), rather it means trying to do it is futile = literally impossible. No one ever has done it, and no one ever will. Once you have pierced the veil and your inner light goes bright, you instantly know with certainty that no abstraction could capture even the tiniest portion of the information in knowledge through identity, let alone eternal.

That does not mean inventing abstraction descriptions is useless. I am presenting an abstraction description in this post, and I intend it to be useful to spiritual seekers who intend to become spiritual finders; and to physicalists that remain open to coherent new (= original) ideas about reality. I have been fortunate to become a spiritual finder, but do not boast that as an ego accomplishment, rather report it as an instance of a divine gift, and one I cannot claim to deserve, for instance I certainly am not a saint, I have not been only a good person, but I have honestly undertaken the spiritual quest, I have chosen the path of consciousness detective, and I did find what I was looking for. I do not hesitate to confess, I remain a simple human being, simultaneously flawed and wonderful; I am not an avatar. But I do present the most honest and accurate description = report of what I have found, to the best of my current ability = excellence (= doing your best), not perfection (= literally impossible). And, by the way, the spiritual quest does not end, regardless of your illumination status, until your physical death; but I am quite sure that if you are to arrive at enlightenment, you necessarily arrive alive, not at the point of death.

I have spent the last six years researching physics, say over 10,000 hours, and one of the criteria of mastery is 10,000 hours of attention and practice. I don’t declare mastery of physics, rather only mastery of the few bits that I am interested in because of the relations between physical and immaterial consciousness. Physicists literally claim to be on the verge of a theory of everything. While I have the greatest respect for many of the things the science of physics has revealed about actual reality, and the huge IQs necessary to do that finding, I was (perhaps because of that respect) naively assuming that when physicists refer to a theory of everything, that they included, well, everything, but actually they only mean everything physical. However, that amounts to the same thing (for physicists) because so many of them (virtually all of them), literally believe everything that exists is physical! For instance, they claim that consciousness is just an output of a physical brain and that the immaterial category does not even exist, which are both fundamental tenants of the doctrine of physicalism, and to my astonishment I discovered that virtually every physicist is a physicalist.

As a total package of metaphysical assumptions, the doctrine of physicalism is, by reference to simple common sense, unambiguously false.

I encourage you with your chosen meditation practice to look for that which is looking, to make consciousness an object of consciousness, and coherently suggest that when you find what you are looking for, you will find yourself face to face with God, and that is what God consciousness is; an actual personal experience that ego consciousness has with the strongest possible feeling certainty of the truth value of the realization I AM THAT. Until you have that knowledge through identity enlightenment experience, you can only act on faith, that the reports of spiritual finders are honest expressions communicating truth value, not the stupid ravings of madness, not the exaggerated rantings of ignorant intellect, and not the exaggerated statements of over belief based upon whatever strong feelings are generated when you interact with a hostile external environment or internal feeling turmoil. On the contrary, these reports are genuine, authentic and credible discoveries of consciousness detectives, who have gone to the deepest core of the divine mystery, survived that journey, and returned to tell a tale of cosmology with cosmogony.

If you grok the abstraction of ultimately simultaneous, that there actually are at least eight objects (some immaterial and some physical) that literally exist everywhere all-at-once, literally inside each other = closer than touching, it is not a great leap of imagination to soundly logically infer that is what monism (everything is one thing) is, and that monism permits existence of dualism (a multiplicity of objects exists within that one thing = holon unity of wholeness). If you grok that enself is one of those eight ultimately simultaneous objects, you get that you are in identity relation with superconsciousness (= another one of the eight ultimately simultaneous objects). You will surely see = know = grok that all of those objects must necessarily be caused to begin to exist. Therefore, you will know with feeling certainty, direct knowledge through identity experience of enself that everything that exists with a beginning must be caused to begin by that which exists without beginning. You will see that only eternal = God exists without beginning, therefore the only possible cause of everything that exists with beginning is eternal = God. That positions you in an identity relation with God and that is what God consciousness actually is. God consciousness does not mean you are God, that you created yourself, that you know exactly what God is, that you understand God, NO, rather you actually have an experience of grok = knowledge through identity = God consciousness = a direct experience face-to-face with your maker, which is an experience you can only have while you are still alive occupying a physical body/brain/central nervous system organism = alive as a whole human being.

That is what I mean when I say you are looking for that which is looking and you find it by seeing in the dark.

Secret Cosmos | Al Link | Substack


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