Looking for Trouble
By: Elizabeth Cowan
"If you're looking for trouble,
You came to the right place
If you're looking for trouble,
Just look right in my face."?
The song “Trouble” by Elvis Presley epitomizes the cocky attitude of someone who does not start fights but will not back down from one either.
It is a far cry from people who lurk in the shadows among the mob in delicious anonymity, stirring things up to see what will happen. That desire to wreak havoc from the shadows is the playground of folks who enjoy pushing buttons until someone reacts.
This lady believes that some people live to cause trouble. If, by chance, they do not succeed in their efforts, they are unhappy. At least, that is what the faces of those misbehaving folks seem to project.
People who enjoy stirring things up remind this lady of rambunctious schoolboys with more energy than common sense.
So, the two old political dudes had a sit-down the other day to show the world that the transition from one administration to another would be smooth.
Moments like that are fodder for news-gossiping people. This lady happened upon an article in Newsweek online concerning the two men's body language. Several body language experts commented on their interpretation of the politicians’ body language. Was the intention to stir things up and create “news” where it did not exist or to make things interesting? We can only guess.
One expert observed that the current resident of the White House had his hands on his knees, which signaled that he was ready to leave or at least wanted to do so. In other words, he looked uncomfortable.
Even the positioning of their hands in the handshake was scrutinized. Those body language experts saw power play moves from both men.
In this lady’s opinion, the current resident seemed momentarily lost. Was he wondering what to do with his extended hand? He did look a bit perplexed. What went through his mind at that moment? Indecision or determination.
Speaking of handshakes, it would be fun if United States Presidents had a special handshake. After all, they belong to a very exclusive club: Presidents who would be kings but do not dare cross that line.
What if we held a contest among fraternities to create a unique presidential handshake? That ought to be fun.
The expert whose observation had this lady laughing was that the future resident held his left arm across his body as he reached out to shake hands. According to the expert, “This gesture represents "defensiveness" and is indicative of a person who is not fully receptive to the conversation. This "body-hugging gesture" is an attempt to protect himself from others.”
Of course, there could be other explanations. For example, what if his protruding tummy pressed hard against his zipper, sending the zipper downward, and the guy was covering things up so nothing untoward popped out as he leaned over?
Did he have an upset stomach after indulging in a decadent meal? The reasons could be any of those listed above or something else.
Chill out, experts. It could have happened that way. Employ some creative thinking instead of jumping to conclusions. Life is more fun that way.
Watching well-seasoned dudes do the man spread is gross, and both did it. By the time guys reach their age, it is no longer a sexy move, as the younger generation of men believe. However, the man spread may be their only comfortable option if the aging gut gets in the way.
The guys could imitate Queen Elizabeth II. Knees together and cankles (also known as unattractive ankles) crossed. So demure.
Although demure is not a word that can or should be applied to either guy without eliciting a loud laugh to slip past our lips.
Consequently, as we stated at the outset, everyone seems to be looking for trouble or planning to create a massive batch of it.
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