Looking For Real-Life Fun
Once I arrived at office, I got myself settled-in and then placed a long-overdue phone call to a colleague of mine, just to see how he's been, along with sharing recent happenings in our lives, and for whatever reason, we ended up talking about how so many people refuse to face lingering issues, and instead, keep themselves so busy that they've been able hold them at bay, and sometimes even to the point of going into denial. He couldn't help agreeing with me when I insisted that most people do everything they can to run from their demons within, rather than turning and facing them head-on. Of course their refusal to come to grips with their lingering internal problems, they continue to blame everyone but themselves. Oh how well we both know such characters. I went on to announce that over these recent months, I've faced a few demons of my own, and now feeling much better about myself, which I'm hoping will positively affect all those I come into contact with from here on out. Regardless what anyone thinks, I believe people radiate either good vibes or bad. Unfortunately I have a handful of blood relatives who've been radiating bad for a very long time, and will likely never change.
Another part of my day was working at getting one of my listings under contract, and as of now, it looks like it's going to happen. I'm glad there was someone out there who realized that home was well worth what my sellers were asking. I'm now waiting for the amended contract to come back from the buyer's agent, and once received, I'll get my sellers' initials and signatures.
Since it was such a delightful day, I decided to get a couple hours of yard and garden work done, and by the time I called it quits, I had all the sticks picked up and my long row of asparagus stems cut off at ground level, just so this Spring's crop won't be getting entangled in last year's growth. If we get the moisture we need, there's no question I'll be eating fresh asparagus on a regular basis, and possibly even sharing with those who enjoy it. I may try my hand at pickling it because I've had it before and it's very good.
I was going to go over and work on my little/big project this afternoon, but I decided it would be better if I just went back to office and started working on that second tote which was in need of going thru. Of course once I got started, the hours seemed to fly by, so by the time I called it quits, I had a full bag of shredded paper, and a full garbage bag of other useless material. Thinking I'd have it done in one felled swoop, it looks like I may be spending another two or three hours on it tomorrow.
Since I was rummaging thru boxes today, I happened to find several other vintage photos out of that very old photo album which was gifted to me a number of years ago, so I've posted one of them as tonight's photo. Whomever those two children were, they sure were having fun with two young calves. It's also depicts how life was back then where you went out looking for real-life fun, instead of playing endless video games indoors, which comes as no surprise we have so many overweight young people in these times.
Before heading home, I sat down at piano and ran thru the music I was give to play over at St. Paul Lutheran, just so I'd be at a manageable comfort level. For whatever reason, I just happened to realize I've been playing for them on and off for well over eight years which was a bit of a shocker once I really started thinking about it. There was a good two or three of those years where they had someone else playing, but for whatever reason, they ended up in need of my assistance once again.
I couldn't believe it was still 66 degrees out while driving home, and from the sounds of it, we're supposed to be up in the 70's tomorrow. Unfortunately my magnolias are starting to bud, which I really can't do anything about, so it looks like they'll not be blooming like they should, because you can be sure we're gonna have some pretty cold nights and days before real Spring arrives.
We've got exactly one week before we have to set our clocks an hour forward, so be prepared for another adjustment period with the time change. It usually takes me a good week to get used to it, and after that I'm good to go. I'm becoming more fearful we're gonna have an exceptionally abnormal summer, but still looking forward to those many warm and sunny days ahead.
Tonight's One-liner is: The lessons of the past are ignored and obliterated in a contemporary antagonism known as the generation gap.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/03/02/looking-for-real-life-fun/