Looking over a cup of coffee
Looking over a cup of coffee
This morning I wanted to write a post about self-centered, egotistical, rich brats. But the problem was I did not know if they were indeed such people. All I know is how they are presented by the media. I wanted to write a rant telling them to get off their high horses and quit whining about problems but instead, drink a cup of coffee and get to work. But perhaps they are. I only know what I am told by the media.
It is far too easy to pass judgment on people based on what we are told, when in fact we actually know nothing about the whole picture. It is much easier to make a cropped picture look good or bad, which is the point or essence of photo editing. But that has become the norm for most all interactions, we are given the part of the picture the editor wants us to have.
We no longer have the option of looking at the original picture and making our own judgments. We are spoon feed what the author wants us to see and understand. I have often been confused about how two sets of very intelligent people could see the same event in such radically different ways. The reality is they were each given two different sets of pictures to evaluate. Perhaps you could say they were each manipulated to see things from the perspective desired by the presenter.
So where do I get the arrogance to launch an attack on those, I find myself in opposition? Do I assume that it is I who have the bigger picture? What is the foundation upon which I stand? Now, this revelation did not stop me from desiring to continue my rant, but it did make me ask a more basic question, to whom should my rant be directed?
Honestly, I am quite tired of being manipulated for the benefit of others. I am generally intelligent enough to evaluate evidence and come up with a good understanding of the situation and then upon occasion even make a reasonable choice based on that evaluation. But being only told enough to force a perspective is upsetting. Okay, rant over.
Back to the point, if I have presented an opinion that was contrary to yours, I hope I did so in a respectable way and have not insulted you. If I have, I humbly ask your forgiveness and hope you have the compassion to forgive me and not think ill of me. But for now, it is time to have a cup of coffee and get back to work.