Looking for a new business style? Look no further than the Ascot Tie.

Looking for a new business style? Look no further than the Ascot Tie.

*Ring Ring... Ring Ring...*

For most professionals, this is the first sound we hear. We check the time, seeing if it really is that time. Time to get ready for work and the day.

After sluggishly waking up and doing the morning routine, we all have to make our first big decision of the day: How should we dress for the day? Whether it be just for work, casually, or for an important event, we oftentimes stress this decision as it allows us to present ourselves the way we want to be presented. Showing up to work in our pajamas for the most part isn't the move, hence why we spend up to $1700 annually on a wide variety of clothes for any occasion.

Many questions then pop up in our minds: "Should I go with a button down and trousers"? "Does this sweater make me look unprofessional?" "How about an all out look: a three piece suit!" The decisions and combinations are endless.

One simple piece however, is oftentimes overlooked in our wardrobes, a piece that can really help you stand out and be a unique piece to your business or professional look: The Ascot.

The what? The Aglet? No! The Ascot.

Now you might be wondering what in the world is an Ascot? Well, have you ever seen Scooby Doo? Fred (or Freddy) Jones? His signature piece is the Ascot, which is essentially a bandana tied around your neck that can either be shaped with one or two tails, depending on the look that you want to go for.

I personally switched to the Ascot because I got tired of ties; ties can be somewhat of a hinderance due to their length, oftentimes I find myself adjusting or taking off my tie during lunches or dinners because I am afraid of permanently staining my tie. Also, I find ties to be rather constricting since some ties require a tight knot to keep form throughout continued use.

Now you might be asking how to style this Ascot. What outfits can I pair with an Ascot that will help me stand out in the crowd? Well, here is some outfit ideas or tips I can give you.

1. The Classic: A White Button Down with Pinstripe or Solid Trousers

This is one of the most classic looks one can go for, especially during a summer month. While it might seem basic, the Ascot really works well with this fit, especially if you get a bandana that matches the color of your trousers or is contrasting in a sense (Tip: I usually order a pack of bandanas from Amazon, nothing too fancy or expensive. As long as it gets the job done).

My personal favorite is to get a linen white button down, a dark blue bandana, and pinstripe blue pants with brown monk strap shoes to create a beach or tropical business aesthetic. The Ascot really takes that classic look and adds even more class and a sense of old school vibes with a tropical or vacation feel to the fit. If you're going for more of a Banana Republic look, I recommend swapping the pinstripe pants for a solid pair of brown trousers and replace the monk shoes with either white sneakers or Sperrys. Of course, you can take liberty with the color you use, but I always find a white shirt easiest to style with. Just make sure to carry a stain remover with you in case of any emergency!

2. The Urban/Casual Look: A Striped T-Shirt and Jeans

In the case that you might not need to dress business casual or fancy, an Ascot works perfectly with a more casual or laid back look. Pair an Ascot with a basic striped T-Shirt, and it transforms into a timeless fit as if you have been transported straight out of an oldies sailor movie from the 40s. Similarly to the previous outfit idea, you can use any sort of pants, from brown khakis to even dress pants, but for this fit I suggest touching the outfit up with skinny jeans and white high top converse. If you're really feeling rich or classy, swap the converse with Comme des Gar?ons high top converse. All in all, this outfit brings a modern, unique, and urban feel to classic items such as jeans and a striped T-Shirt. Best of all, this outfit is perfect for your company's weekly Casual Fridays; presentable yet comfy!

3. The Preppy Look: The Suit and the Ascot

Prior to the invention of the modern tie and it entering mainstream culture around the 1890s, most gentleman in fact either wore an Ascot Tie or a Bow Tie. To find individuals wearing the Ascot Tie, look no further than our 21st President of the United States, Chester A. Arthur (1881-1885 (R)), who famously rocked Ascot Ties with his two and three piece suits that he wore around the White House. If the President of the United States in the 1880s could rock the Ascot and the suit, I ask you dear reader why can't you? I personally can count on one hand how many people I've seen wear an Ascot Tie with their suit, and I'm pretty sure than number is actually 1 or even zero. I myself have yet to try this, but I am eager to sometime in the near future. For this outfit idea though, I recommend getting an Ascot Tie that has been professionally made and not a bandana to try and match the professional and business feel. By incorporating an Ascot Tie, you'll be able to bring the Victorian Era to 2023 and easily stand out not only in the office, but in the city as you enjoy an evening stroll after work.

Ladies, Ascots work with your outfits too!

The great thing about Ascots is not only the fact that they work for gentlemen, they also work with many outfits for the ladies! This variant of the Ascot, the Ascot Scarf has somewhat fallen out of fashion as of late, but adding an Ascot Scarf can easily make an outfit look well put together and allows for very creative fits! While there are many examples of how to style an Ascot Scarf, one of my personal favorites is of the great up and coming Jazz singer out of Alberta, Canada: Caity Gyorgy. Her style is very reminiscent of the well known Jazz Era of the 1920s-1940s, and she oftentimes utilizes the Ascot Scarf for her outfits as shown in her Featuring Album.

While the style may be somewhat old school as it is heavily based on the 1920-40s era when the Ascot Scarf was more popular, this piece has evolved into a timeless piece that can be used with a variety of styles, but especially a business style for the office. You may have some doubts on trying it out, but as long as you look like you can own the outfit and have confidence, then your Ascot Scarf and outfit will radiate confidence and pizzazz as well!


Ok, so maybe I did or didn't convince you to abandon your ties for the Ascot Tie, and that's simply not the goal. Ties themselves are very stylish pieces that help express who you are to your audience, hence why some ties are quite expressive in their pattern or knit. However, as leaders in this world our goal is to stand out, and the fact that the Ascot Tie is somewhat uncommon gives you a perfect opportunity to try out this unique piece. As stated previously, you might have some reservations of fully incorporating it into your everyday business style, but as long as you have the confidence and own not only the Ascot Tie, but the outfit you decided to pair with it, people will feel that confidence and aura your fit is giving off and will help you not only stand out, but bring awareness to the versatility and aesthetic of this underrated piece of fashion.


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