Looking for a new Book to read?

Looking for a new Book to read?

Working in the radio business I receive a lot of e-mails from authors asking if I can promote their books on the air.?

Here is your chance to get noticed.?Not only will I post the information but will suggest Radio/TV stations that do interviews here in Michigan.

Please send a few sentences describing your book with an e-mail?and website address on where to buy your book.


Martin Anthony

EXPERIENCE: 5+ years in the radio business

MARKETS: worked in: Detroit, Lansing, and Saginaw U.S.A.

TALENTS: On-air talent, street promotions, board operations, social media contributor

I'm here for YOU!

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Anthony Price

Taking care of families left behind when a person is killed in the military.?That's what the Gold Star Ride Foundation does.?On a motorcycle.??Lots and lots of smiles. Lots and lots of tears.?Lots and lots of miles.??Motorcycle breakdowns.?Long highways.?Grown men can't stop crying because their son has been killed.?Moms who can't pay the utility bill. Sons who need a work truck.?These are some of the stories.?

You'll see how and why it started.?You'll feel the road.?You'll meet the families.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tony.price.16

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Yours-Very-Sincerely-Respectfully-Foundations/dp/1792304897/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3FPZUBFI8EP67&keywords=yours%2C+very+sincerely+and+respectfully&qid=1684155810&sprefix=yours%2C+very+sincerely+and+respectfully%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-1

Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/yours-very-sincerely-and-respectfully-keith-carey/1130846349?ean=9781792304897

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Tyler Harrison "I Couldn't Find Her So I Created Her"


I Couldn't Find Her So I Created Her is a novel told in poems, chronicling my experience with abuse, trauma, life, love, and God.

Don't be afraid to speak up about abuse; it is serious.


Amazon: https://lnkd.in/gAgKugFj

Barnes and Noble?https://lnkd.in/g5Hr2uxu

Available for interviews, e-mail Tyler Harrison

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Tyler Harrison

Letter In A Bottle

?“When it comes to reading letters, especially personal letters, I cannot help but dive straight into the letters to know and understand the writer even more. There is something very gripping and enjoyable about reading something that is not meant for you.


The letters are meant for someone else, and still, I feel a thirst for devouring and drinking the letters fully and quickly. This is what happened to me while reading Tyler Harrison’s Letter In A Bottle. Full of personal and engaging stories and anecdotes.


The book provides a sense of relief to the reader and lets them feel liberated because the reader feels so connected with the story as I did.”


Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Letter-Bottle-Tyler-Harrison-ebook/dp/B0BBRG1XQW/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=2P4ZB97FKQYEI&keywords=letter+in+a+bottle+tyler+harrison&qid=1676833363&sprefix=letter+in+a+bottle+tyler+%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-1


Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/letter-in-a-bottle-tyler-harrison/1142074698

Tyler Harrison

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?As a child, longing for love and kindness from my dad to feel normal. my dad, a raging alcoholic, physically abused me, my brothers, and my mother for years.

He lived in homeless shelters with his brothers and mom. He found solace in the pages of his poetry.

He put himself through beauty school and became a Published Author sharing his tragedy to triumph.


Check out An Apocalyptic Assistance!


A perfect blend of adventure, thriller, mythology, and romance.

The story of Varose and Kiros, the protagonists.

They were the angels sent by God to fight demons.


Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Apocalyptic-Assistance-Tyler-Harrison-ebook/dp/B0B968LFJF/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=2026AIPH7BIZ6&keywords=an+apocalyptic+assistance&qid=1676832973&sprefix=an+Apocalyptic+as%2Caps%2C314&sr=8-1



Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/an-apocalyptic-assistance-tyler-harrison/1142256547?ean=9789730369243


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When Rob Plaskas was 17 years old, he was living the life of a normal teenage boy: friendly, funny, athletic, and handsome. But there was one major thing that differentiated him from others his age, he had been diagnosed with a benign tumor in the left temporal lobe of his brain and suffered from epileptic seizures.

As the tumor grew, he had no choice but to have brain surgery and to say he was scared was an understatement.

During the operation Plaskas suffered a brain hemorrhage, losing a massive amount of blood and having to be placed in a medically induced coma.

Now at the age of 42, Plaskas is sharing his story of how he beat the odds and has been able to live a successful life. In his memoir, “My Fight for Recovery: A Story of Overcoming Life-Threatening Brain Surgery,”

For Review Copies & Interview Requests Contact:

Lauren Dickerson, LAVIDGE Publicity

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 480-306-7117

Rob's Interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/VH4bw_xBsCI

Available at these book websites:

universe: https://www.iuniverse.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/794422-my-fight-for-recovery

Amazon: https://www.amazon.in/My-Fight-Recovery-Overcoming-Life-Threatening/dp/1532095112

eBay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/My-Fight-for-Recovery-A-Story-of-Overcoming-Life-Threatening-Brain-Surgery-by-R-/362961620802


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Steven Newman

Proof of The Existence of The Deep State which provides hard evidence not only of The Deep State's existence but proof of their criminal activity is available:


Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZN8GTJS


This book has a copy of an illegal military order from The Deep State and other pieces of hard evidence as well.

E-mail:?[email protected]??(Available for radio/TV interviews)?


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Edward Campagnola

"Directions to the Dumpster", is an account of St Life and the attempts to find a home again in a ruthless, uncaring, and violent US society.

Transcends genre and audience, enlightening, thought-provoking, and dispels misconceptions. An Important, socially significant, fantastic story for our time, with romance, politics, sports, drama, death, grief, action-adventure, travel, success, failure, and love.

E-mail: [email protected]

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/directionstothedumpster/

Twitter https://twitter.com/Direct2dumpster

AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/Directions-Dumpster-Edward-Campagnola/dp/1642680710


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When Your Road of Life ENDS...Do You Care How You Will Be Remembered?

Make Your Preparations Before You Take Your Last Breath!

This book expresses the importance of making preparations for your transition, i.e. paying for your funeral service and burial, before you die.

It describes the hardships your family may go through if you don't preplan. It also includes instructions or information regarding traditional funerals and non-traditional funerals.

There is valuable insight and facts into final preparations that funeral homes don't want you to know.

LinkedIn:?Glenda Mansell

E-mail:?[email protected]

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/When-Your-Road-Life-Remembered-ebook/dp/B07W5WT8C2/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Glenda+Mansell&qid=1566517796&s=books&sr=1-1

Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/when-your-road-of-life-endsdo-you-care-how-you-will-be-remembered-glenda-mansell/1132878550?ean=9781543977349


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?Kathy Picard

Seven-year-old little girls love their daddy. Kathy was no exception, so when her daddy started paying “special” attention to her, she felt “special” in turn. Her daddy loved her… what could be better than that?

Few betrayals run as deep as the betrayal of being sexually abused throughout your childhood by the man you should have been able to trust with your life. For Kathy, the betrayal ran deeper because when she finally found the courage to start speaking out about what her abuser did to her, her family responded by labeling her a liar and a troublemaker.

Find out what happened in her book, Life With My Idiot Family A True Story of Survival, Courage, and Justice over Childhood Sexual Abuse Narrated by myself, husband Gary, our Editor Valerie Utton, and Retired Police Chief of Granby Louis Barry has been out on Amazon, iTunes and Audible.

E-mail: [email protected] (Available for Radio/TV interviews)

Website: www.Kathypicard.com


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kathy.picard/

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Life-My-Idiot-Family-Childhood-ebook/dp/B071HQJYPK

SHOP: https://www.audible.com/pd/B07PPJNHXY/?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWT-BK-ACX0-145729&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_145729_rh_us


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kristalen barringer

My book is dedicated to every man and woman who goes through their trials and tribulations, who has ever been hurt, neglected, abused (sexually, mentally, or physically), been betrayed by a loved or trusted one, and to those who came out of poverty and struggling to make ends meet.

E-mail: [email protected] (Available for radio/TV interviews)

Behind Every Smile (AMAZON): https://a.co/3Ratohb

Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t77PJltfPM&feature=youtu.be

Website: https://kristalen.wordpress.com/2017/04/19/still-standing/

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100012050790939&fref=nf


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Nancy J Lisabeth-Taylor

The Lady Under the Black Hat

Irene was born in the 1920s. She struggles with her parents from birth, to understand. Why they don't love and accept her? Constantly feels as though she lives in a world where she does not belong. Irene faces many challenges, including molestation, rape, and raising a child that was a product of rape in that time era.

A little something about the author Nancy Lisabeth-Taylor, yes Lisabeth-Taylor is a real name. She is a full-time homemaker, which she jokes about being a lost trade, and lives in Ontario Canada, with her husband.

She is a mother to three sons and four stepdaughters.

Nancy J Lisabeth-Taylor is a new up-and-coming Author, building dynamic platforms. After her first book entitled Shadows Of Death Do They Exist was published, Nancy felt inspired to perform further in the literary world.

Nancy writes in many different genres. Finding that changing writing styles is challenging. Nancy's previous job as a Legal Assistant motivated her to become in and volunteer for many causes.

E-mail: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LadyUnderTheBlackHat/


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Feierstein Mitchell

The world is now approaching the final death rattle of the greatest Ponzi scheme in history: a scheme by which the financial industry created a vast overhang of debt, a mountain of low-quality assets – and laid the foundations for a disaster that will dwarf anything else in history.

The turmoil of 2008-2009 merely resulted in the massive transfer of debt from the private to the public sector. We’re now paying the price. But where will it leave us? PLANET PONZI reveals the true debts of the US government, shows how close Italy is to following the way of Greece – and explores Britain’s finances in grimly realistic detail. This is a roadmap to the near future, essential reading for our times.

Website: https://planetponzi.com/book

Amazon: https://a.co/fqCfhxx

Amazon Uk: https://amzn.eu/0fO8ua6

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlanetPonzi

Twitter: https://twitter.com/planetponzi

Published by: Random House in 2013


Jane Hardin profile: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/jane-hardin-9180a83b/

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?"Through tragedy, she turned to a force, dark and fierce, one that would expose those secrets hidden in the depths of her chasm. The complexity of her darkness would take the innocence she once knew and make it her innocent guilt. When we hide things in our hearts, we become as sick as our secrets. Beware of the destructible path a secret life will lead to."

E-mail: [email protected] (available for radio/TV interviews)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/realjanehardin

Jane Hardin's Facebook :

Dreamtini Facebook:

Jane Hardin the author Facebook


Amazon: Link:?https://a.co/6mjnfIL


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Di Storm

For years she wrote down all the corky saying he told her, and the memories of her wild past. When she started to write her memoirs, from her past, her mind shifted into a deep dark fantasy and developed Yes Sir!

Di Storm’s first book, YES SIR! It took her a year and a half to write. She used years of experience and notes from her past to create her novel, in record time. After being screwed over by her first publisher, she rewrote the book and decided to self-published, YES SIR! and Lexi's Closet.

Yes Sir! – Jessika Ballinger found herself going through drastic changes deep within herself. The reserved, quiet, and submissive person she once was is fading. She reveals herself as stronger, more vocal, and dominant while standing up for herself and others. These changes, create a roll-a-coaster of conflict within until she meets a controlling mystery man, making her rethink the whole BD/SM world. After freaking out, she starts contemplating the decision to go back to the submissive that she once was. This begins us to book 2, Unlaced, Yes Sir Part 2. (Coming Soon)

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Lexi’s Closet – a series of mini-shorts, in Volume 1, Shannon is driving to one of her client’s houses for a weekend of sex and bondage. Shannon slowly transforms into the high-end escort that she always intended to be. Lexi, the blonde bombshell, looked like the sexy Vixen librarian, admitted to herself that she was excited about the client-filled weekend of sex and bondage, while her man was waiting at home.

Lexi’s Closet brings a series of erotica tales from a provider’s point of view.

Di Storm is continuing to write to complete both her, YES SIR! And Lexi’s Closet series.

Yes Sir, Book Trailer by Di Storm https://youtu.be/QpO6TS_reUA

E-mail: [email protected] (Available for radio/TV interviews)

Facebook: facebook.com/distorm2


Twitter: twitter@distormauthor

LIQUID FRIDAY WITH AUTHOR DI STORM https://edenfreed.com/2016/05/27/liquid-friday-with-author-di-storm/

Di Storm books are available worldwide and can be purchased with a signed copy through the Website: www.distorm.com


Barnes and Noble?https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-novella-formerly-known-as-yes-sir-di-storm/1127727416?ean=9781981839957


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Tony Agnesi has just published his first book, A Storyteller Guide to a Grace-Filled Life. The book is a collection of over 70 short inspirational stories each with a Bible-based moral.?The stories include relatable scripture verses and are followed by a few questions for reflection or discussion.?

?“Since 2012, I have written over 250 stories for my blog at www.TonyAgnesi.com.?We have rewritten 73 of these stories for A Storyteller Guide to a Grace-Filled Life,” said Agnesi.?“I hope that the stories will not only inspire the reader but help them to recall their personal stories and the people that have touched them, as well.”

Tony is an inspirational storyteller, author, and blogger. His Sunday blog and Wednesday podcast have an International audience.?In 2015, Tony was a finalist for the 15th Annual Weblog Awards, “The Bloggy’s.” His blog ranked in the top three internationally in the Religion/Spirituality category. He is a member of the Catholic Writers Guild and the Radio and Television Hall of Fame.?Tony is a frequent guest on Catholic radio and is a contributor to Shalom Tidings magazine.??

?Tony, 68, and his wife of 44 years Diane are long-time Wadsworth residents and members of Sacred Heart Catholic Church. They have two adult sons, a beautiful daughter-in-law, and two grandsons, Nico and Luca.

A Storytellers Guide to a Grace-Filled Life is published by Virtu Press and available in both paperback and Kindle editions at?https://www.amazon.com/Storytellers-Guide-Grace-Filled-Life/dp/0692965661

, and in paperback at Barns and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-storytellers-guide-to-a-grace-filled-life-tony-agnesi/1127306556?ean=9780692965665

It is also available through Tony’s website at www.TonyAgnesi.com.

Review copies are available on request.

Tony is also available for interviews, talks, and book signings.?

For more information on Tony or his book, A Storyteller Guide to a Grace-Filled Life, contact Tony at [email protected].


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Todd Mcnutt

This book is all about information... you have to know the truth about the dangers of anything before you can make informed decisions about it. I have tried to do just that with this book... I have set aside the religious outcries... I have looked past the lies and half-truths of both the government and the RFID industry and I have done the investigation into the conspiracy theories. All of this and a lot more are in this book... along with the true dangers this technology represents to you and me.

Website: www.identitytheft2.com

E-mail: [email protected] (available for radio/TV interviews)

Facebook: www.facebook.com/idtheft2


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My Inspirational and Spiritual Book "In This Moment Angels' Sweet Reflections" is an Angelically-channeled book of quotes about Love, Peace, Hope, Joy, Encouragement, and Support which were given to Brenda Rachel when she was on disability with excruciating spinal pain.

"In This Moment Angels' Sweet Reflections” Amazon Link:?https://a.co/fen1U24


E-mail: [email protected]


Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrendaRachel444

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brendarachel444

Google+: https://plus.google.com/+BrendaRachelTeichroeb444


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Nury Castillo Crawford, mother of three sons, a life-long educator for over 20 years, Owner of 1010 Publishing LLC, and a published author. She was born in Peru, South America. She migrated to the United States when she was ten years old. The transition to a new environment and culture was a shock to her, but with the love and support of her family, she flourished and grew up to become a successful entrepreneur.

Her first book “3,585 Miles to be an American Girl” is a bilingual, children’s story inspired by her journey to the USA. An inspiring story of an immigrant, girl who encounters challenges, but succeeds with the support of her family and teacher. Through her book, she speaks out about the struggles of inclusion, education, and the role parents have in their children’s success.

E-mail: [email protected] (available for Radio/TV-Media interviews)

E-mail: [email protected]





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Dwight Schwab

The book is entitled "The Game Changer - America's Most Stunning Election in History." It’s a chronological account of the 2016 presidential election from the national conventions to Trump's inauguration.

Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-game-changer-dwight-l-schwab/1126024001

Amazon: https://a.co/eDDJD3b

Emailbookmail: https://www.ebookmall.com/ebook/the-game-changer-america-s-most-stunning-election-in-history/dwight-l-schwab/9780692871683

I presently write for https://newsblaze.com/author/wito/

"Redistribution of Common Sense" in 2014 about the Obama administration from 2009-2014 that covered Obamacare, foreign policy.?

Amazon: https://a.co/6OpPu1z


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He worked for the Department of Public Works which no one cares about as long as their streets get cleaned and their garbage gets picked up.?

However, Dennis felt it was his?Patriotic Duty?to join his colleagues and head down to NYC the same afternoon the Towers fell on 9/11, never knowing, that the toxic air he would breathe would lead to his imminent demise.

He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country and should be recognized as a hero, but because he was just a worker for Sanitation and not a firefighter or police officer, Dennis remains an?unsung hero of 9/11!?

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Contact: Peter W. Sherrill (Available for Radio/TV interviews)

E-mail: [email protected]

BarnesandNoble.: www.barnesandnoble.com/w/one-of-thousands-dennis-ciallela/1016516861?ean=9780981683829

Amazon: https://a.co/dreNUhR

book depository https://www.bookdepository.com/author/Dennis-Ciallela


Price: $10.00?

ISBN # 9781683827


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Bill Jenkins

The Prophetic Almanac for 2017

The Prophetic Almanac is a captivating book that will take you on a spiritual journey. It presents the tools to RESET, REWRITE, and REVIVE the plan of God in your life for 2017. With important dates, imparting knowledge, and a Prophetic word for all 50 states, this book is full of Information, Inspiration, and Divine Revelation. An opportunity of a lifetime awaits. Are you Ready?

The Prophetic Almanac 2017 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MXYRR2B/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_awdb_VKczzbRR8XJKD

E-MAIL:[email protected] (Available for radio/TV interviews)


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Jeffrey K. Smith M.D.

LISTEN TO ME: The Brief Life and Enduring Legacy of Buddy Holly represents the author’s 13th non-fiction book in his Bringing History Alive series. These books are crafted to read like fast-paced novels, proving that fact is often stranger and more compelling than fiction.

Jeffrey K. Smith is a physician and writer. A native of Enterprise, Alabama, he earned his undergraduate and medical degrees from the University of Alabama. After completing his residency at the William S. Hall Psychiatric Institute, Dr. Smith entered private practice in upstate South Carolina.

To learn more about Smith’s books and order copies.

WEBSITE: www.newfrontierpublications.net

E-MAIL: [email protected]?


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In this third in the Too-Sweet Saga, Too-Sweet after fleeing Tijuana, Mexico, heads to London where she establishes a new club she calls the Gay Paddy, which is an authentic Irish Leather Bar and Spank Emporium. Along the way, you will meet a new cast of crazy characters, along with Speedy Gonzales who has shipped over ten kilos of cocaine hidden inside thousands of frozen burritos. If you enjoyed DIVAS and Tijuana Taxi, you will die laughing at English Rose.

This is by far Griffith's best Too-Sweet Saga yet.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B094GFF8ZR/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_taft_p1_i0

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Ralph Griffith

The author's 7 years were spent with Bernie Madoff, Jonathon Pollard, Carmine Persico, Nicky Scarfo, and reputed serial killer Larry Hall. Written in the style of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The author likes to refer to his book as a new genre--perhaps it could be placed in the Self-Abuse section of a bookstore. One thing though, of all the books on Madoff--only this account by someone who KNOWS Bernie will go down as the definitive work on Madoff.

E-mail: [email protected]?(Available for Radio/TV interviews)

(New Sept 2019) The Real Bernie Madoff: Our 7 Years Together in Prison: Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YK6391C

How to make money like Madoff--without going to jail. https://xakmedia.com?

Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/monkey-house-ralph-griffith/1126380698#productInfoTabs

Amazon https://a.co/bYxUjy6

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Ralph Griffith

Indie Authors and Publishers Beware: What you should know before you try to self-publish with Amazon (Self-Publishing Today Series Book 1) Kindle Edition

If you are thinking of self-publishing today this is a must-read on what you will be facing as a small indie author or publisher.

Find out why the big publishing houses have special Agency Agreements with Amazon while the small indie will see his or her ebooks given away to Kindle Unlimited--not so the big agencies.

At $144.00 a year to Amazon, it’s a winning combination. They can even get the indie author to pay for ads to drive more traffic to Amazon's click funnel. Amazon will get it both ways.

E-mail: [email protected] (Available for Radio/TV interviews)

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Indie-Authors-Publishers-Beware-Publishing-ebook/dp/B07SLN8K72

Ralph’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/Ralph-Griffith/e/B071F1QLM5?ref=dbs_p_ebk_r00_abau_000000


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Paul Manchin is an author, singer, songwriter, musician, and actor.

These poetic readings reflect 40 ways of existence.

Paul launched his book signing at Chapters/Indigo.

Title: Existence

Author: Paul Manchin

Publisher: Angel Caesar Publishing Ltd.

Purchased Book: [email protected]

International Standard Book Number ?9780993740503


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Ryan Riggs

The Fiat Inflationary Circulatory System (FICS) opens your mind to a new paradigm. A tax-free economic system that solves most of the world’s problems. A workable system that reforms our political system, offers free healthcare, access to a home, food, a college education, have the lowest crime and unemployment rates possible, interest-free loans and grants, ending illness, traveling and colonizing the planets around stars, ending oppression and suffering, maintain individual’s rights and freedoms, maintain the strongest defense and military in the world. You bring economics and human nature together.

E-mail:[email protected]

Website www.ficssystem.com

Buy the book: https://a.co/c0Bfvpt

FICS https://www.facebook.com/ficssystem/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED&fref=nf

Personal Facebook:?https://www.facebook.com/ryan.riggs.33886?fref=nf


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Robert C. Brewster

In a small town, in the smallest county in the Florida panhandle, a twenty-five-year-old cold case murder is re-opened. A new female police officer visits a seniors’ residence to find out that the prime witness in the case, Jacob Jeebs, was officially diagnosed with Alzheimer’s last year but is still in the early stages.

Both the judge and the sheriff are locals and have been in their jobs for over thirty years and remember the initial investigation very well. The two of them along with Jacob Jeebs have been fishing together every Sunday morning for almost three decades.

This new information might lead to a conviction of the main suspect from twenty-five years ago. But what would the legal ramifications be? An Alzheimer’s patient has never testified at a trial of any kind before.

How can you put him on the witness stand? How can you not? He is the only one who knows the truth. Will the defense be able to tear his testimony apart or will the prosecution defend the validity of using a witness who can’t recall what he had for breakfast this morning, but can remember an event that happened years ago in astonishing detail? ‘A Moment of Clarity, a ground-breaking legal drama that answers those questions in a compelling, creative way.

Website: www.robertcbrewster.com


Ryan Dahlstrom

President of the Nightclub Hall of Fame ? & Best Selling Author of The Bar Starts Here

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Before Now There Has Never Been a Holy Grail Book of Business for Bars

The Bar Starts Here is a book that every Bar Owner, Bar Employee, and Bar Fanatic will relate to and enjoy.

This Holy Grail Book of Business for Bars is a kind of Interactive How-to Guide that comes with Over 500 Pages of Operational Tools, Training Manuals, and Guides, that you get to download & customize as your own.

Successful Bars, Taverns, and Pubs have been around since the 1700s. So why are there so many failing bars all across the globe?

It’s the decisions and the actions that we make as Bar Owners and Employees that will either guide us through a thriving and profitable career or lead us down a path of missed opportunities and misfortunes.

Statistics show that in 2011, there were 66,615 different Bars, Taverns and Nightclubs open in the United States alone. In 2016 that number dropped to down to 62,602. So why a 6% drop in the number of Bars in the United States? Lack of Knowledge is the #1 Reason why Bar Owners Close their Doors.

Bars Don’t Fail. The People Running Them.

Don’t Be Another Failed Statistic.

Purchase The Bar Starts Here and Hold The Power of Operating a Successful Bar, Literally in the Palms of your hands.

Buy Now at www.TheBarStartsHere.com and use the coupon code: LinkedIn for $10.00 each copy.


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According to Marie Pizano, the word “no” is not in her vocabulary.?She simply says, “I Can” and “I Will”.?Her memoir, From Barefoot to Stilettos tells the story of her life thus far, from her childhood days of living on food stamps, in gangs, and double-ditching on the streets of south-side Chicago to surviving a life-changing accident, moving to Memphis and living a trophy-wife life, dealing with the mean girls, the monster-in-law, panic attacks, becoming a mother, to her post-divorce years and defeating the odds of building an entertainment powerhouse, all while rediscovering herself, her life, and her power. Through explorations of her past and present tense, Marie reflects on how the sum of her trials and triumphs shaped her into the empowered woman she became during her incessant quest to find her...




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Curtis Stratton comes from a military family, where his interest in the military and politics began. He is an Eagle Scout and a recipient of the Laureate Award for Literary Excellence. Curtis is open to television and radio interviews.

In Kingsfire, a special operations task force hunts an international terrorist and unravels a global plot. Terrorists and mercenaries have forged alliances in blood. Nuclear weapons threaten to destroy entire continents. The world's powers prepare for war.

The world has only grown more dangerous.

E-mail:?[email protected]




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David A Gibbs

Author, Licensed Clinical Counselor

Humbug?to Happiness - Breaking the Chains of the Past?

We all have humbug thoughts: the deceptive beliefs and outright lies lurking in the dark recesses of our minds, keeping us shackled and miserable. These are the thoughts that insist we’re not pretty enough, not strong enough, or not smart enough. They tell us we’re worthless and don’t deserve happiness.?

?Left unchecked, humbug thoughts drive people to substance abuse, overeating, abusive relationships, and other forms of self-destructive behavior.?To know happiness—and your true worth—you must free yourself from the gloomy and habituated patterns of negative self-defeating thoughts.



Book info: www.createspace.com/5804152


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Gary Begin

Owner/Consultant Sound Advantage Media Jackson, TN

"Radio Programming & Branding--The Ultimate Podcasting & Radio Branding Guide" is a total broadcasters/podcasters handbook designed for students and experienced broadcasters who want to bring their careers to the next level of success.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gary.begin.31

E-mail: gbegin@soundadvantagemedia.com

Radio Programming and Branding: The Ultimate Podcasting and Radio Branding Guide?Paperback: https://amzn.com/0692331492 for more details.

Website: www.soundadvantagemedia.com



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'Full Circle, My Success Story Living with Bipolar Disorder by Betty Ruth Shear as told to Joanne Fenton Humphrey

?Betty Ruth Shear made friends as easily as she made the honor roll. Smart, attractive, and popular, a bright future lay ahead for the would-be doctor when life began to spiral out of control. Suddenly, periods of euphoria and unbridled creativity were interrupted by sinister obsessions, suffocating panic, and repeated visits to the depths of despair—as well as to a laundry list of mental health institutions. Forty years after her diagnosis with bipolar disorder, Shear is a Certified Public Accountant, world traveler, and beloved aunt. But the happiness didn’t come without struggle. From very public delusions to a deliberate head-on crash of a passenger-filled car, good Jewish girl Betty Ruth Shear reveals her frightening “gonzo ride into madness” in this new, no-holds-barred autobiography that includes candid interviews with friends, relatives, and caregivers as well as a list of resources.


Join us on Facebook:?https://www.facebook.com/livingwithbipolar/

Book Info:??https://amzn.com/0983130094??



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Denise Bryson??

"In the Footsteps of a Killer"

Author at Artistic Words Publishing

Albert Cain Macarthur is about to be put to death because of the evil he has unleashed on the world. He was sure he was going to die but hoped that the ritual he had performed would prevent that from happening. There’s more work he has to do and Leah is just the person to help him do it. Leah Moore is a freelance photographer for The Detroit Police Department. She was four years old when she was electrocuted on a raging stormy night. Little did she know that the incident would link her to Albert and she would become a part of Albert’s satanic ritual of good vs evil. Nightmares and murderous visions have haunted her for over twenty years and things are coming to a head and soon Leah will come face to face with her destiny. Can she survive or has her fate been sealed? In the Footsteps of a Killer, a tale of murder, mystery, and evil, it all adds up to one thing, a superbly written and stylishly told novel guaranteed to have you sleeping with the lights on!?

Denise Bryson resides in Detroit, Michigan. She is a fierce Red Wings fan and you may find her in attendance when there is a home game. Denise grew up reading Steven King, Dean Koontz, and John Saul, is it any wonder that she is all about supernatural and horror?

?Contact information:?https://oneblackrose.webstarts.com/

?E-MAIL: [email protected]

Publishing Website::?https://artisticwordspublishing.com/


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Jim Anders

Author of Autobiographical Fiction "All Drinking Aside"

This intense, introspective, and illuminating fiction looks at alcoholism and addiction from the inside out and back again. In three parts, the Destruction, the Deconstruction, and the Reconstruction, the alcoholic beast is revealed. The vicious cycles of alcoholic addiction: hospitals, detoxes, rehabs, and relapse. Repeat, repeat, repeat. A textbook case of chronic chemical dependency, "All Drinking Aside" Jim Anders is a former advertising copywriter and graduate of Moravian College in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. This is Jim’s first full-length published work. His drinking career ended nearly a decade before this autobiographical fiction. He currently resides in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and is diligently at work on his second book.

??E-mail: [email protected]?

My Recovery DECLARATION of Inter-DEPENDENCE (Article) https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/my-recovery-declaration-inter-dependence-jim-anders/?published=t

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JimAnders4

"All Drinking Aside" https://amzn.com/149239730X??for more information?

Need Help With a Drinking Problem? https://www.aa.org/pages/en_US/need-help-with-a-drinking-problem



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Book Forward by Shaun Murphy, from Bob Seger and also Eric Clapton's band...... "Once you pick it up (Silver Radio), you won't be able to set it down." A few words from author Bob Watts. "As a long-time radio personality and for the first time, I am sharing publicly the events and happenings from both my radio career and also personal life that occurred during my radio career. I temporarily left radio to make more time to write "Silver Radio." I gave some early print "book proofs" of "Silver Radio" to a few people in the radio and music industry, and although all of them said they enjoyed the read, one of those people went as far as saying,......" because of the refreshing content and story, along with a few thought-provoking ideas mixed in and the interest it held for them, that "Silver Radio" could very well be "the book" of 2012.

More details about "Silver Radio"?

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Silver-Radio-Bob-Watts/dp/1469991306


Dr. Peter W. Sherrill

2024 Congressional Candidate /Chairman African Rights Corporation/International Institute for African Scholars - Director Homeland Security/Emergency Services - Certified Instructor Weapons Mass Destruction

7 年

Thanks Martin truly appreciate your assistance


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