Looking for a Leader
Charles Born
Successfully retired. On occasion an advisory business and marketing coach.
Maybe it is the social liberal within me, but despite the alarming loss of critical thinking in our country I would like to think that a true leader shows us that our world is indeed heading somewhere and that we control its movement. That we need NOT be at the mercy of personal prejudices or the prevailing political wind. That none of us are subservient to history or nature — that we?ARE?history and nature. That we can rid the world of war and hate and ignorance, and obliterate the borders separating race from race, rich from poor.??GREAT leaders show us new ways and new perspectives. They teach and inspire us to lead in the same way, to show the world a new perspective and a sublime level.? This thinking is best summed up by a quote below from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry who was a French poet and author in the early 20th century.??In these troubled times let us find a leader who will be the shepherd to help us find our way once again.??