Looking for a Job and Towards the Future Ahead
Daniela Cervantes
Digital Communications, Content Producer, and Social Media Professional
As we near the end of my last semester as an undergraduate, it is slowly setting in that it is time for me to look for a job. Despite, all those years of studying and preparing myself for the future, I still feel like I'm being dropped into the deep end. Yes, I have all the skills, but after all the hard work, it just feels strange that now all I need to do is find a job to begin my career. Thankfully, this week's and final content for my internship course provides a helpful article that eases a few worries of mine as it guides new graduates on how and where to uncover job opportunities.
LinkedIn News provides a factual article that essentially tells new graduates where the jobs are at, what industries are hiring the most, and what skills they are looking for the most. Before getting to the stats though, they begin with a helpful tip, especially for those who need a sort of direction and are unsure: "Go where the growth is." This tip is then followed and supported with data collected by LinkedIn's very own data scientists and editors.
The overall data provides a number of growing cities that are hiring the most (NYC, Washington, D.C.-Baltimore, and Chicago) and the industries that are looking to hire the most (transportation, healthcare, and software & IT.) Therefore, if you are looking to travel somewhere new or are looking for any job in the industries mentioned, you are in luck!
Aside from that, this article includes what are the top skills employers are looking for in new hires and these are skills that can be acquired and developed. These skills are analytical skills, project management, customer service, marketing, and time management.
This article is helpful and is reassuring especially to new graduates. It provides opportunities and encouragement to keep looking for jobs and speaks volumes about the type of content LinkedIn provides. If there is anything that I am thankful for that I got to learn from this media internship course, it was to have the opportunity to set up a LinkedIn account and be guided as I learned more about what the site has to offer. LinkedIn will continue to be a helpful guide as move toward my future.
Both this class and my internship are coming to an end and I am grateful to have had the chance to continue learning more despite the end of my undergraduate career. I had the chance to meet new people, make connections, and grow confident in the skills I have developed over the past few years. Although my future is still unclear, I know that with the skills and resources I have gained, I know that I will be prepared to face any future career plans that come my way.